#akleg #akgov
He says it's about "a new funding reality for the state" and calls "the game in Juneau about how much funding we can get for services in our districts." #akleg
He runs down a bunch of priorities of the university, including engineering, but dances around any mention of climate change. #akleg
The #akleg added back $110 million of the $136 million cut.

He says the accreditation association saying that the funding could/should impact accreditation is wrong.
They also called this proposal he's giving as "strong-arm 'guidance'" to the university. #akleg
Says maybe all the people who've written about the importance of research will pay for it themselves. #akleg
Barnhill says it's in the spirit of compromise. #akleg
Same with Perdue.
"I'm not negotiating because it's inappropriate. We do what we do."
Community campuses, however, relies heavily on UAA and UAF for their funding.
Barnhill says cuts to UAS and community campuses aren't permissible. #akleg
Johnsen says it's not practical. Says community campuses have a lot of their costs tied up in the UAA and UAF budgets. #akleg
He says it returns 3x to the economy and "is a prime vehicle for people improving their lot in life." #akleg
He says the university should be afforded time to follow the #akleg position that they need to come up with a multi-year approach to step down UA.
Says the bake sale approach should be fine to make up the funds. #akleg
Now back to decision-making about the future. #akleg
Barnhill: "The cost drivers are in the University of Alaska FAIRBANKS. These could be legitimate but we don't need to get into that today." #akleg
She basically says she's unconvinced about the Gov's $40M offer. It comes with strings attached. #akleg
Regent Parker makes the motion for a consortium model with a decision "at some point in the future" about move to a consolidated university. #akleg