@LAPDChiefMoore says @PredPol was dismantled because of budget constraints. Lets look at the sequence of events & bldg grassroots power just over the last two years @LACANetwork @katecrawford @leilamillersays @alicesperi @ChallengeIneq

Feb 2018 @stoplapdspying files public record lawsuit: govtech.com/public-safety/…
May 2018 @stoplapdspying release its report Before the Bullet Hits the Body – Dismantling Predictive Policing in LA: theintercept.com/2018/05/11/pre…
@YouthJusticeLA @BLMLA @freeradsorg

July 2018 @lapdcommission holds first ever public hearing on Data Driven Policing – Community shows up in force and demands the dismantlement of LASER & Predpol and demands audit: latimes.com/local/lanow/la…
@WP4BL @GrassrootsJrg @srahrman

-August 2018 @LAPDChiefMoore without a word to community suspends LASER Chronic Offender Program;
-March 2019 @OIGLABOPC releases audit saying he can’t audit Predpol AND “PREDPOL SOFTWARE IS CURRENTLY PROVIDED FREE TO THE DEPARTMENT”: lapdpolicecom.lacity.org/031219/BPC_19-…

-April 2019 Op LASER is dismantled: latimes.com/local/lanow/la…
Community continues organizing against Predpol;
-July 2019 LAPD commissioner Sandra Figueroa is exposed for taking $7500 from Predpol: latimes.com/california/sto… @GroundGameLA @DSA_LosAngeles @NOlympicsLA

-Oct 2019 over 450 academics sign letter rejecting the ethics and merits of UCLA Prof @pjbrant and co-creator of Predpol’s research: medium.com/@stoplapdspyin…
-Oct 2019 public demanding end of predpol kicked out of @lapdcommission mtg: latimes.com/california/sto…

-April 2020 Predpol is dismantled.
FACT: LAPD has had the Predpol software for free for many years. And as Moore announced dismantlement of Predpol, he laid out a massive hiring plan for new officers. AINT NO POWER LIKE THE POWER OF THE PEOPLE!