Here's why we are talking about CVE and demanding that the City Council keep #CVA out of Los Angeles!
2/ “Countering Violent Extremism” or CVE is an Islamophobic program created by the Department of Homeland Security to justify increased surveillance of Muslim communities, and therefore increase criminalization.
CVE often takes the shape of grant money.
Indicators have included
- growing a beard
- attending a mosque
- having criticism of American foreign policy
#CVE does not keep us safe

@HerbJWesson @gilcedillocd1 @PaulKrekorian @BobBlumenfield @davideryu @PaulKoretzCD5 @CD6Nury @MRodCD7 @mhdcd8 @mikebonin @Mitch_Englander @MitchOFarrell @josehuizar
#CVE Has No Space In Our Communities!