We couldn't have written the headline any better:
🔥"Why the Insurance Industry Must Stop Supporting Fossil Fuels"🔥
You'll want to bookmark this one. Here's some choice quotes:
✔️ New coal plants are planned in 60 countries; if built, these projects will add over 579 GW to the global coal plant fleet.
Here's the kicker (remember, this is in an insurance industry journal):
"The reputational risk companies will face for continuing to do business with fossil fuels needs to be taken into account. @LibertyMutual has been the subject of protests
For more on this, @TeenVogue has you covered teenvogue.com/story/climate-…
"I believe insurers will increasingly struggle to attract & retain qualified talent if they continue to support activities that exacerbate climate change...It’s time for US insurers to catch up w/ global efforts to tackle the crisis. There are no more excuses."