Each month I'm joined by 3 fantastic educators & we share our favourite apps.
It's fast, fun & hopefully informative.
Each episode is released monthly & you'll find them all in this thread.

🇿🇦 @emmafourie shared the @Plotagon animation app,
🇬🇧 @mr_stevenson_IT shared @Socrative for assessment,
🇬🇧 @tinytechtalk shared @GetKahoot for classroom quizzes,
🇬🇧@JacobWoolcock shared @numbots for speedy number bonds.

🇦🇪 @MrDigiTechSabe shared @AdobeSpark and @pixabay for animation + photo,
🇿🇦 @mrsoxleysimpson shared #SimpleLearningTime,
🇬🇧 @MattWarne shared #VideoDelay for PE reflections,
🇬🇧Woolcock shared @poppletny for mind mapping.

🇬🇧 @mrmartinwillis shared @Flipgrid for video responses,
🇬🇧 @mrswalkerteach shared @TTRockStars for timestables,
🇿🇦 @emmafourie shared #Toontastic3D for animation,
🇬🇧 @JacobWoolcock shared @googlearts for art history.

🇦🇹@aliciabankhofer shared @padlet for collaboration,
🇳🇱@RheaFlohr shared @lessonup for resource creation,
🇳🇴@eldarskjorten shared #Garageband for music lessons,
🇬🇧@JacobWoolcock shared @tinkercad for 3D design & AR.

🇬🇧 @Mrs_Educate shared #Numbers for multi-uses,
🇬🇧 @Mr_L_edu shared @Showbie for remote learning,
🇹🇷 @bikemoz shared @plickers for class assessment,
🇬🇧 @JacobWoolcock shared #SwiftPlaygrounds for coding.

🇬🇧 @lyndsdive85 shared @ARMakrApp for #AugmentedReality,
🇬🇧 @TomKonsek shared @Seesaw for #RemoteLearning,
🇧🇷 @lobo_ph shared @VideoleapApp for video editing,
🇬🇧 @JacobWoolcock shared @SpheroEdu + #SpheroRVR for coding.

An insight into how #RemoteLearning is transforming daily life for teachers around the world - featuring perspectives from:

🇩🇰@jakobesben shared #Keynote for pretty much everything,
🇷🇺@frolova_al shared @Bitsboard for language learners,
🇭🇰@MrErdoganEDU shared #Clips for fun video editing,
🇬🇧@JacobWoolcock shared @Twitter for PD and networking.