The answer can be gleaned from this line from a Rush Limbaugh screed:
What do I mean? <THREAD>

Why are people gullible?
Could be due to 1 or more of 3 factors:
While there was an uptick in calls to poison control this weekend, this was a very small # (some may have been trolls)
In a way then, he's right: you do have to be a dunce to take up POTUS's idea

Just makes them hate us more of course
After all, we can't just ignore it when the POTUS flouts basic norms of truth-telling, especially when his statements are dangerous if taken literally
What to do then?
It may also be helpful to remember it's not about Trump
Trump is a buffoon/troll who should be a sideshow spectacle
He's not only because 40%+ of Americans (*most* white Americans) feel like victims
Because it's not about him & never was.
It's about (all of) us.