@GovAbbott is about to make an announcement about his plans to reopen the Texas economy in just a minute. Follow along here.
Here's our early story➡️ houstonchronicle.com/politics/texas…
"Every life lost is tragic. The fact is the tragedies in Texas have been far fewer than most states in the United States."
Says the number of people recovered from COVID-19 will soon exceed the number of active cases.
First phase will begin Friday, May 1, "if we can contain the spread." Phase 2 could come as early as May 18.
• Retail stores, restaurants, movie theaters and malls can open May 1
• Occupancy limited to no more than 25% (will go up to 50% during phase 2)
• Supercedes all local orders
• Reopening optional/up to biz owners
Our medical team is still working on safe ways kids will be able to attend summer camps."

Says he sent his reopening plan to Dr. Deborah Birx, coronavirus response coordinator for the U.S., and she said it was "great."
"These are decisions that are the result of tremendous input by the best possible medical team, and we would not be making a decision to open up Texas without that medical advice."
"No doubt it's frustrating, which is exactly why today's announcement is not the end of the work. We go to work this afternoon on working on solutions for more businesses to reopen like hair salons."
Asked about that, Abbott says the statewide take differs from places like Harris County, which recently mandated them. Abbott says fines cannot be imposed.
"If you want to stay home, continue to stay home. ... You have every right to choose your own pathway in life."