Contrary to the right of our client under Section 36 of the Constitution to have and consult with a legal practitioner of his choice during interrogation
The Director of Operations also told us that they invaded our client's residence to look for his phone but did not find it.
The SSS has also not told us when it became a criminal offence in Nigeria for citizens to criticise the government or to express
Since Nigeria is a country governed by laws and not a Banana Republic, we ask the SSS in Akwa Ibom to immediately retrace from their illegal actions and release Carter forthwith, or to charge him to court first thing on Tuesday.
We wish to also place on record that there is no social distancing at the SSS Command in Uyo. We hope that this is not a deliberate attempt to expose our client to the dreaded COVID-19.
As a journalist and public affairs commentator, our client has no criminal record.
Inibehe Effiong
27th April, 2020.