Huge thanks to program organizers: @ProfSongMa @EmilyNix100 @paulgp @florianederer @lukestein, presenters and all participants! Links to papers, videos, and virtual conference planning guide below. 👇………………
- Set up the Zoom Meeting/Webinar, share the link
- Invite people into meeting when it starts, designate speakers as co-hosts so they can unmute and share screen
- Change settings
- Manage breakout rooms + recording

- Emojis and gifs actually valuable to engage with what other people are saying
- Can have threaded in-depth discussion of specific points
- Can link to other papers (more precise than saying "Didn't Chetty have some paper...")
- Co-authors can participate in Slack, to respond to clarifying questions
For authors—you get really detailed and written down feedback you can then think about and address down the road.
Virtual conferences are good way to get a community together, quickly, to discuss whatever you like. We went with a pretty broad theme here, but it probably makes more sense for narrower topics to get interested folks around the world (as @prof_cookson does)