An underpowered and too-preliminary analysis.
Starting point: this paper which suggested COVID-19 spreading most rapidly in a temperature range 5-11 C and Relative Humidity 47-79…

- Colder than 41 F (5 C)
- "Critical Temp" of 41 - 52 F (5-11 C)
- Warmer Than > 52F
Use actual Feb temp; last year's Mar temp
- Relying on reported COVID caseload, and state differences reflect testing capacity as much as "true" cases
- Using monthly average temperatures
- Not incorporating humidity
- CX error correlation not adjusted by State clusters
Mostly, I find that COVID cases at state level are increasing more or less parallel trend across climate zones
The most favorable data points for a seasonality perspective, IMO, have been limited exposure so far in places like Thailand or Malaysia - with many Chinese contacts and decent testing capacity
Could also be that testing has been too minimal there, or variety of other factors. Or a matter of time.
I am obviously no expert here, so welcome any feedback