Not only to manage social risk (eg, losing friends due to an unpopular action) but also to manage other kind of risks (eg, visiting McDonald's when in a foreign city to avoid stomachache).
Hopefully, implying that we imitate behaviors that promote survival.
I wonder if we not only evolved intelligence, but also variance on intelligence.
Nature loves variance, for it is required for specialization and for adaptation – both which increase fitness.
The weight is the probability that one is right and the others wrong.
Under natural selection, the weight is very low (as per tweet #3).
A filtering system that ensure that only those who have behaviors which promote survival survive, so that only pro-survival behaviors are copied, for the most part.
- in general, imitation is good*;
- imitation in a society without skin in the game is a dangerous condition.
(*): provided a small percentage of the population is an independent thinker.