Employees are afraid to be reprimanded for having incurred these short-term costs before their long-term benefits materialize.
They need guarantees this won't happen.
(thread, 1/N)
He'll take the decision based on what he's been thought he's the most likely to be scolded about.
- Reprimand them more frequently for when they skip Core Values than for when they follow them
- Performing personal visible costly signals that Core Values are costs worth their benefit
One that doesn't sends an equally clear message: Safety is not worth its costs.
The top manager must have been so visibly conspicuous that there can be no objection to 👆
If the plant manager always wears the helmet when on the line, he shows that it's always to be done.
Many managers are flowers with external-facing issues and weeds with internal-facing issues such as Core Values.
They do not perform COSTLY SIGNALS to demonstrate their employees the importance of Core Values.