If ideas are so easy, why are most business ideas so bad?
The opportunity you identify, and focus on, matters a lot.
In software, the execution piece (building it) is easy by comparison.
Yes, how you execute is a part of that, but your ceiling for success is set by the idea itself.
It’s just not true.
On the flip side, an idea that has tons of demand may need less “hard work” to make it succeed!
You’ll see page after page of beautifully executed products that never achieved meaningful traction.
There have been thousands of ideas posted; most failed.
Are ideas really “easy?”
Coming up with low-quality ideas is easy.
(So is executing something poorly).
The difference is in the quality of their ideas.
Most of the future potential for success is contained within the idea itself.
Of course you need to *do the work* to move forward. But the idea determines your direction and momentum.
Got a bad idea? Don’t spend lots of time fertilizing it, watering it, and trying to get it to grow. No! Throw it away.
Focus on cultivating good ideas and helping them grow. 🌱
Good ideas are not easy to find. Often, you have to wait for them.
The problem is, most of us are impatient and want to *execute* as soon as possible, so we pick the first idea that comes to mind.
The same is true in business.
If you’re reasonably good at execution, what matters is *whether people want what you’re building.* That speaks to the strength of the idea.
Idea ➡️ Execution (and validation is a part of execution)
That’s not how I think about ideas and execution.
1. I have many ideas (most of them are bad)
2. As I evaluate ideas, some are worth exploring
3. I explore the shape of those ideas
4. I choose the idea has the most potential (and best fits me)
5. I shape it some more
6. I work on it
(H/t @rjs)