Big Pharma is moving to profit off of coronavirus.
Right before our fucking eyes.
But! We can stop them.
Short thread:
1. Two days ago, the NY Times reports *great* news. An Oxford research group is making real progress towards a vaccine.
Like, they gave 6 monkeys the vaccine, then exposed the monkeys to a ton of coronavirus, and 0 out of 6 developed COVID!
And if it works in humans, it's a HUGE deal, right? It's what we need to get out of this massive global depression, and it would save literally millions of lives.
He says, boy, if this works, everyone is gonna get it.
And it's gonna be really affordable!
but suffice to say, within 48 hours Big Pharma grabbed a world wide exclusive license. Here's their press release.…
Using words like "nonprofit" and "middle income countries" to try to hide the corruption.
I'll dive into the details tomorrow.
It's really quite a story. But the fight is just getting started.
cc: @uaem @jenniferflynn @lizjaff @BeAHeroTeam @CPDAction @Public_Citizen @ewarren