Another large physiology topic, so I’ll be brief and stick to highlights from reading #BurtonRose textbook, which I highly recommend for all levels of learner
Thread ⬇️

Aldo works by augmenting K secretion in principal cells. After K load, Aldo is directly enhanced and contributes to kaliuresis via changes in Na and K channels and Na-K-ATPase activity
Poll: Why does increased distal Na delivery aid in Kaliuresis?
This partially explains why Distal Flow Rate plays a role in renal handling of K
In volume depletion the high luminal [K] + low U flow leads to reduced K secretion
Poll: ⬇️ECV does what to Aldo?
These two forces counteract each other, which is why in abscence of significant renal injury or severe hypovol, untreated CHF/Cirrhotic patients are normokalemic
This ⬇️ distal fluid delivery which ⬇️ K secretion despite secondary hyperaldo. This is relevant in renal failure where Na conserving capability is ⬇️, making theme susceptible to volume depletion
Elder lady with viral gastroenteritis has diarrhea over past week, she loses 5kg and has ⬇️UOP. She has ⬇️PO intake mainly as OJ. PE w/ postural hypoTN and ⬇️skin turgor
Na 130/K 6.7/Cr 1.2/UNa 12/UK 62
Her intake of OJ (or Gatorade, etc) is high K intake which plays a role
As always, please provide any feedback
All info and cases drawn from Burton Rose’s Text from the initial post. What a legacy to provide along with @UpToDate