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Said they want it to be paced to make sure they have sustained economic activity this yr.
There has already been a bit of early tension in the governor's authority to spend this money and the legislature's responsibility to appropriate it.
Gordon said we want to retain workforce and keep them able to be employed to minimize that problem, but said he would welcome ideas to bridge gaps in coverage.
We'll be working bills the rest of the morning, sounds like. If you're unfamiliar, read my prior coverage of those here:…
We've rehashed a lot of this stuff already, but I'll keep y'all apprised of any changes.…
Some minor changes so far. Provisions to eliminate the 25 percent loss of income and to delete the "rebuttable presumption of lost income" from page 9 have so far failed.
Perkins still hung up on how you measure lost income -- said having this qualification there outlines intent that can be hammered out in rulemaking.
Note: numerous appropriations in one bill leave this subject to a line-item veto by the governor.
It passed, so now could be subject to vetoes.