Check whether it is an RCT.
If it isn't, punch them in the face.
Brutally (but humanely).
You bring them to the Golden Nugget Clinic (Proprietors William Suh and Darrel Francis).
We normally make a fortune treating asymptomatic pain, but numbers are down at the moment.
Was the saline indeed sterilised?
(a) a fact about a PREVIOUS event in the history of its existence, or
(b) a fact about its CURRENT status (i.e. still sterile, not cycled through a plant pot since)
Which would YOU mean?
People who don't are either insane or deceptive, and should have this fact tattoo'd on their forehead, if they work in a hospital.
The same applies to RCTs.
If I say a trial is a RANDOMIZED controlled trial, I mean it is STILL randomized, now.
Just like *one* passage through a plant pot destroys any sterility of the iv fluid.
And just *one* living creepy-crawly is enough evidence to reject the sterility belief.
There is *no point* bothering to randomize if you are going to shuffle them between arms afterwards. You may as well make up the results. Save time and money.
The World
The Solar System
Milky Way Galaxy
Local Group of Galaxies (Left dumbbell)
Virgo Galaxy Supercluster
Laniakea Supercluster
The Universe
Likewise, how else would we analyse an RCT, other than by the randomly allocated arms?
I despise them, but accept they exist.
Just I wouldn't let a murderer look after my child, or a thief look after my wallet, I wouldn't read an arm-switching analysis of an RCT.
That they would not de-randomize a randomized trial, just as they would not de-sterilise a sterile i.v. fluid bag.
I personally don't need them to tell me.
However if you doubt them, you should ask them!
1. I am saying I believe the NIAID trial to be randomized, intention-to-treat
This belief is based on my experience of how experienced professional scientists talk about research, especially on such important and dangerous matters.
The key is that you have to have the 30 days, otherwise you didn't try hard enough. (Coincidentally it is $10,000 per day)
Outcome is assessed at 90 days.
In the placebo arm, 20 people die, mostly at around 10-20 days.
*also* 20 people die, mostly around 10-20 days.
The analysis is conducted independently by that great statistician: me. (Qualifications: zero)
"That's not true, William, they got something, not zero."
"No, I didn't mean they didn't get shit, I meant they didn't get S.H.I.T., the whole S.H.I.T. protocol."
"Oh OK"
In fact a couple died on the first day, before the first infusion!
They really didn't get shit.
We are very scientifically careful, at the Golden Nugget Clinic.
Phone up Dr Fauci and tell him to get back on that Sofa!
P = zero point zero zero zero zero!
Remember the two people who were going to have S.H.I.T. but didn't even get shit? They died before the first infusion?
Suppose we stick them in the opposing arm. After all, they didn't get shit!
22, 20
1, 80
20, 82
3, 80
20, 80
3, 78
20, 80
3, 80
The only time you ever see another type of analysis is when the intention-to-treat is neutral and the investigator is trying to salvage some credit with the funding company by mangling it.