IMHO, what divides this society is lack of common understanding, patience, functioning mirror neurons, & aversion to elementary verbal & mental skills, that make the lowest level of Graham's Hierarchy (below) appear to be not only more honest, but also wise & more practical(1/?)...
@Zohartic @SueZieCue this is true, to coin a phrase, "on both sides."
@Zohartic @SueZieCue but each side is missing some really basic information about very deep running assumptions about the nature of virtue that render nearly useless the language in which this 'conversation' is held -- & most do not seem to notice... (3/?)
•have you told me this b4?
•if not, yr tweet is in 3d pers. vocative,
•a form considered 'rude'
•our ideas of proper twitter etiquette may diverge
•care to discuss this privately or
•declare this resolved because
•i'd very much prefer not to err again
thank you for your time in reading my tweet, however you choose to respond.
and of course my sincerest apologies for any previous misunderstanding
@Maxitaxinaxi@RealCandaceO & what i am saying is, that THAT is what wins. the actual following of the Good. that can happen from wherever you are at. there is little use in labels, unless you are looking for a sophisticated angle, a way to win the argument along emotional lines, by default -- (cont.)
@Maxitaxinaxi@RealCandaceO -- which means, unless you are not being entirely honest about your motivations for picking this topic at this time. we all do it. we need to check ourselves. we all put ppl in categories, in order to make it easier to make decisions, judging what we may think of as things
@Maxitaxinaxi@RealCandaceO outside ourselves, but in actuality, only judging so as to engage in or revise our actions. categorization is odious (i think more odious than comparison). @RealCandaceO, do you think of *yourself* as the set of broad stroke categories into which others may classify you? (cont)
@SenatorRomney Thank you for taking the time to read these tweets.
Dear Senator Romney:
I thank you, Sir, for your adherence to your Faith & your Conscience, as evidenced by past actions, some of which have diverged from actions taken by your fellow Republicans with...
...regard to the same political issues (for example, your solidarity with citizens calling for reforms aimed at establishing a society free of racial injustice & specifically of unnecessary killings of minority citizens at the hands of the police). (CONTINUED)
I pray most earnestly that you continue. It is to be the Hands of God. I pray you not be tempted or deceived into falling away from that path. May the Messengers of Heaven protect you and keep you healthy and your conscience uncorrupted, Amen.
because this is the thing
that gets me about Conrad's
"we live as we dream, alone"
it seems to me that the shared is more...
my friend & i are talking, & now it appears Fear of Ghosts is a bit... bleak...he just reminded me that one has to put on one's own oxygen mask first, before another's...& i agree...really its more like this when i've got my cautious optimism up & running.