The city was initially celebrated for its coronavirus containment plan.
Then, cases spiked, bringing its strategy under close scrutiny.
To understand exactly what happened, we went there.
Our piece. Thread below.…

Incidentally, he came back just a day after Donald Trump and his entourage visited the Taj Mahal.
The case sent the local administration scrambling.
Officials identified epicenters of infection clusters, set up containment zones, screened hundreds of thousands of residents and conducted widespread contact tracing.
(Below, @adnanabidi at work)

Then, the virus roared back.
First, were a rash of cases linked to the #tabligijamaat gathering in Delhi.
In all, 104 people linked to the group tested +ve.
(Below, spraying disinfectant)
That set off a chain of infections, totaling at least 92 cases at just one hospital.
Separately, other hospitals were also hit.
District Magistrate Prabhu N Singh is banking on extensive contract tracing and strict containment to make it through.
“The good part is that for all the cases, we know the source."