A HUGE thankyou to ALL the hosts, guests & techies who made it happen

@JamesRicketson @SAWCSydney
🇺🇲🇦🇺 OZ/US 3PM (6am UK)
@CathyVoganSPK Interviewed Jo Lauria @unjoe (usually the other way aroundi!) Consortiumnews.com

Andrea + #Unity4J Austria
Host @yivi1
🇳🇿 NZ Nicky Hager / ED* @esoteric_ed highly contrasting kiwi journos statements @GreenweaverArch (10.30am UK)
🇨🇭BASEL 12PM (11am UK)
Serena Tinari (Speak-up-for-Assange)
Host: @deepa_driver

@richardlahuis Photography Slideshow validvalues.org/info/
Host: @alimay101234
🇫🇷PARIS 2.45PM (1.45pm UK)
Assange, l'Ultime Combat replay 18 April 'Shout For Julian'
Host @sauvonsAssange
🇬🇧LONDON (2pm UK)
@Tareq_Haddad @MElmaazi
Host @alimay101234
@DocSchool @Reikilass
@mcmastersteve @sherrydrums
🏴 EDINBURGH (4pm UK) #ScotlandMustResist
Host @deepa_driver @JohnWight1 @DerbyChrisW @GregHadfield

🇮🇹 ROME 6PM(5pm UK)
Comitato per la Liberazione di Julian Assange - Italia
Host @FreeAssangeIT
🇺🇲DC 1PM(6pm UK)
Cynthia McKinney, PhD
Ray McGovern
Elizabeth Lea Vos

@CredicoRandy @Credico2016 @monicadelmestre
#CommanderX @CommanderXanon
Host: @Nat_RiverAScott
Thank you so much @Suzi3D #Unity4J and @action_4assange for the inspiration and platform borrowing!

(I never organise these types of things but THERE you were!)

... & it was very moving seeing his appreciation and love for his new country and super supportive friends there!

ALSO @CathyVoganSPK and @unjoe Joe Lauria who came in at last minute & did an excellent and informative interview about the 1917 espionage act! Consortiumnews.com

@IannRose @SAWCSydney 'Support Assange & Wikileaks Coalition' on FB for; the initial idea,
kicking off the 14 hour protest from Sydney with a quality segment!
His group is a source of inspiration for many of those successful press freedom actions last YR too!

1) 1hr
@SAWCSydney 1st event
Also on @action_4assange
in smaller chunks!
2) 1hr 40m
3) 11hr 19m
Mexico also seems to be choppy 4 last hr