Good luck getting that to work with anything!
- We didn't quarantine anyone coming into the UK (just 273 out of more than 18.1 million people) - too late now
- We didn't build up PPE stocks - too late now
- etc.
But this app is NOW, not water under the bridge stuff.
"UK COVID-19 contact-tracing app data may be kept for 'research' after crisis ends, MPs told
Want to opt out of that part? No chance, says NHSX chief"…
Of course, the Tories will be able to blame the public for not participating.……
"The NHSX team have put a huge amount of science, effort and testing into the app"
Ooh, science! That's all right, then...
(Rest of page is spent "justifying" why NHS's approach differs to EVERYONE ELSE's.)…
"every user of the app gets some understanding of who is declared ill (and that list keeps being updated)
the public health authority - by design - knows pretty much nothing about ill people"

Reassuring. Very reassuring.
I'll say it again: Friends don't let friends install dodgy data-slurping apps.
Just. Say. No.…
Other countries will have had their health services as "customer" when developing their app.
Whereas the UK's ultimate customer is a Government desperate to dabble in Big Data. Dominic Cummings practically dreams in the stuff.…