This #Tweetorial was inspired by a recent @DxRxEdu thread. So I did a deep dive into the evidence behind this dogma and also asked, "if so, how?"
"Does DVT/PE cause fever?"…

In PE with fever, mean admission temp of 38.3C. 25% >39C.
50% of fever cases had fever >5 days. By day 7, 18/19 were afebrile.…

They note that in the 3 surviving patients, their fevers resolved within 72h with heparin treatment.…

5 of 89 patients found to have DVT as probable cause of FUO. All fevers improved with heparin. Suggests heparin is anti-inflammatory…

Pulm hemorrhage/infarct frequency similar in fever & non-fever groups. DVT s/s in 56% of PE w/ fever group…

Temp of those with DVT significantly higher (p<0.035):
- +DVT: 98.7 +/- 1.10
- No DVT: 98.5 +/- 1.10
However, not clinically significant difference (0.2F)

4.9% with fever (>38C).
Fever group more likely to have surgery, immobility, infection & upper ext DVT.
Fever group with ⬆️mortality & ⬆️recurrence. ⬆️PEs & ⬆️infections as cause of death.…

Fever group with ⬆️mortality, ⬆️massive/submassive PEs, ⬆️DVTs…

There are confounders here no doubt (unidentified or unaccounted infections, differing diagnostic methods for DVT/PE, etc).
Some DVT/PE have fevers without other causes though.
But why & how?
Pyrogenic cytokines (e.g. IL-1, IL-6 & TNF-alpha) are the major players in activating the hypothalamus.
H/t to @tony_breu for diagram.…

For DVT/PE this is a tricky situation, a bit of a chicken & the egg.
Inflammation is a known risk factor for DVT/PE.
But is there a mechanism by which DVT/PE can produce the inflammation independently?
Photo: @CPSolvers

Pts with DVT had ⬆️levels of IL-6, IL-8 & CRP on admission.
Upon treatment w/ heparin, IL-6 & CRP declined, but IL-8 did not.
They suggest thrombosis as cause of inflammation.…

These values improved in the PE w/ fever group while on heparin, despite not receiving antibiotics.…

IL-1, IL-6, IL-8 & CRP all increase as a result of thrombus formation.
Clot➡️inflammation➡️more clots.…

Well, we usually treat with anticoagulation.
Many of the above studies hint that heparin improves inflammation & fevers, but how?
Does heparin have anti-inflammatory properties?
It does!
Heparin has these anti-inflammatory properties:
1) 🛑neutrophil activation/function
2) ⬇️production of NF-kB, TNF-alpha, IL-6, IL-8 & IL-1 beta
3) 🛑vascular smooth muscle proliferation
4) ⬇️inflammation via anticoagulation ⬇️further clots…

When fever accompanies DVT/PE, it's important not to anchor.
While some DVT/PE may cause fever, many also have underlying infections, malignancies & autoimmune diseases. Be thorough!
Does DVT/PE cause fever?
In summary:
💥Some DVT/PE have fevers with no underlying cause
💥Thrombosis leads to increased inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha)➡️fever
💥Heparin has anti-inflammatory properties
💥Avoid premature closure with DVT/PE + fever
Appreciate feedback & commentary!