UK had 43,000 more deaths than usual in March & April vs 22,000 reported Covid deaths at the time
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Deaths in March & April were:
• 64% higher than usual in England
• +55% in Scotland
• +41% in Wales
• +30% in Northern Ireland…

This is 64% higher than the number of Covid deaths reported in these countries at the time.
Data for all countries:…
1) The fact that excess deaths are higher than reported Covid deaths is not evidence of deliberate underreporting by governments.
It’s very hard to count these deaths in real time. No country with a bad outbreak has managed it.
Germany and Italy for example lag by over a month, and many countries don’t publish this data at all.
India & Mexico are our top targets, but any country is appreciated.
Ideally daily, weekly or monthly data, for multiple years, and including 2020. Can be for one town or city, not just nationally.
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