The Boston Tea Party not being the least of it.
Our fore fathers showed incredible bravery and love of our emerging country, risking life and limb to build our republic!

Then, sadly....the Civil War broke out and brother was pitted against brother as #CorruptDemocrats atrove to hang on to their slaves (and other things) but our great country overcame that and we united again

Fast forward to the end of WWII and the creation of welfare....for war widows and their kids, and the beginning of the welfare state and lazy people with a sense of entitlement was born.
"Some people did some things"
(Thanks @Ilhan 🤬)
There was a resurgence in the American spirit.
#PatriotsUnited & wanted to protect this country but a new element reared its ugly head.
Boot camp was too mean, DI's too hard on them...they weeded out the wheat from the chaff