I am so proud to share this labor of love with the world — introducing the Center for Institutional Courage, Inc. @CourageforAll

Senior Advisors: Anne DePrince, Carsten Henningsen, Lori Nishiura Mackenzie, and Duncan McDonald @apdeprince @LoriNMackenzie
Research Advisors: Elizabeth Armstrong, Mike Baiocchi, Louise Fitzgerald, Christine Ford, Estelle Freedman, Allyson Hobbs, Clea Sarnquist, David Siegel, and Vanessa Tyson @elarmstr @BaiocchiMike @DrLFF @allysonvhobbs @sarnquist @VanessaCTyson
Outreach Advisors: Molly Anderson, Shelley Correll, Laurie Girand, Ashley Judd...
@MollyOnTalent @SVLeadershipLab @ImWithThemToo @AshleyJudd
Outreach Advisors (continued): Jess Ladd, Kim Scott, Liji Thomas, Lisa Verhovek, Billy M. Williams, and Kirsten Wysen
@JessicaHLadd @kimballscott @liji_thomas @BillyMWilliams @wysenk
Research Collaborators: Alexis Adams-Clark, Melissa Barnes, Christianne Corbett, Jennifer Gomez, Sarah Harsey, Chloe Hart, Sasha Johfre, Monika Lind, Alec Smidt, Carly Smith, Meghan Warner @MonikaNLind @amsmidt @SmithwithanH @MeghanOWarner
Institutional Partners at Stanford University: The Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, The Michelle R. Clayman Institute for Gender Research...
@CASBSStanford @Clayman_Inst
Institutional Partners at Stanford University (continued): the Stanford VMware Women’s Leadership Innovation Lab, the Stanford Medicine Center on Stress and Health...
Institutional Partners: Australian Childhood Foundation, I’m With Them, Silence Breakers Alliance, Equal Rights Advocates, and the Newcomb Institute at Tulane University
@AusChildhood @ImWithThemToo @SilenceBrkrs @EqualRightsAdv @NCITU