Even the leaders were gulled by their own propaganda. Here’s Yeltsin throwing up his hands in dismay at a normal supermarket.
Now, what does this remind you of?

Just like the difference between communist and capitalist states, the gap between red zones and green zones will widen.
But if the virus isn’t under control, your economy doesn’t come back to a new normal.
Older folks, cautious folks will hang back. Tourism is done. Everyone needs to save money. Parties will not be applauded.
1) Pandemic preparedness
2) Travel restriction
3) Extended school break
4) Surgical masks
5) Contact tracing
6) Culture
7) Healthcare
8) No lockdown
9) Hand sanitizer/temp check outside venues
They took it seriously.
As a virally occupied country, as a red zone, the economy will also be worse off in the medium run relative to green zones.
If the attitude is “this is serious, we’ll wear masks, save money, advance biomedicine, stop the spread, and get to a new normal” that’s one thing.
If it’s “screw masks, it’s a hoax, let me back to the bar” that’s quite another.