Thread with fascinating Smallpox facts and stories 👇🏾

3 out of every 10 humans infected by smallpox died. Those who survived were scarred for life.
(Don't look for images related to the disease, you have been warned).
Smallpox had arrived in Africa and would stay on until 1977.
This led to the invention of a method known as variolation.
Typing that sentence made me shudder. I'm glad we've come so far along in the field of medicine.
We all went through a lot as a species in the subsequent years.
Two children were vaccinated just before departure and when cowpox appeared on their arms two more children were vaccinated and so on.
The British did something similar to keep the cowpox vaccine alive by using lower caste Indian orphans on long journeys.
You had a better chance of getting a job if you had smallpox scars in the 18th century. This was because the scars showed that you already had the disease and could not pass it on to your employers.

This also led to some first for humanity - surveillance to detect and investigate cases and mass vaccination campaigns.