Because it’s on the phone, I may try to become the first witness in the history of Congress to live tweet their own hearing.
Follow here if it sounds worthwhile.
But I’m going to stop stalling & jot down some thoughts for my opening. 3/…
I’m going to grab a cup of coffee, do a read through & dial in. 6/
The 3 witnesses are now in a green room discussion. Chatting about when Congress returns & prospects for a bipartisan bill.
They will each make opening remarks. Then alternative D v R questions in order of seniority.7/
Looks like I’m going first. 8/
Focus is on testing, contact tracing & isolation. Walden mentions mental health & communities of color which is great. 9/
Very smart ideas he and I have discussed before & he has done work on.11/
Doesn’t believe in conventional wisdom that testing/tracing must happen before opening up businesses. Can’t afford to wait to open.12/
He thinks elderly & sick people can be isolated & rest (schools & businesses) can carefully re-open. 13/
-isolate staff
-better cleaning BUT
-more optimism for the rest of the country 14/
How to test asymptomatic cases.
People not allowed to get allowed elective procedures done.
Avik answers that important to allow opening.
I respond safety needed & COViD/non-COVID hospitals/need testing
Mark agrees w me we need testing16/
Wants to know if proposal is in the ball park. My answer: yes, and thanks. 17/
All of us agree rural counties can open carefully. My watch is for meat processing plants, nursing homes & being quick to respond. 18/
Mark and I both answer. Medicaid providers need more ability to take care of underserved patients & take better care of them. 19/
Avik answers that a vaccine will be at least 5 years out. Maybe I mis-heard the question. 21/
But on vaccines, he is much more optimistic than Avik. Refutes that SARS/MERS wouldn’t have a vaccine. And supportive of the new vaccine technology. He’s a clinician & former FDA head. Gives detailed insight on progress.22/
Palone says that prisons need to be made safer and some of that could be what’s happening.23/
I answer tech not a silver bullet, but can help. Mark provides more color.24/
Avik & I both agree. 23/
Avik describes how to re-open schools. Rationale is school age children are at low risk. Plus educational & economic benefit & nutrition.25/
Republican members from rural districts with low to no cases had valid concerns about not opening more. Push for broader opening beyond that didn’t come from members. /end