1)Conservative Treehouse: McCord Is The Key, Jan 12, 2020
b.Practice //
i.Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA)
ii.Economic sanctions
iii.Export controls
iv.Anti-money laundering laws
c.Working on existing Clients List (gold here)
d.Source: millerchevalier.com/professional/k…
Source: intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/…
The two who whacked Seth - were whacked themselves - no loose ends.
Imagine that.
All goes back to Ron Brown, Ladies & Gentlemen & Charlie Trie.

this one just popped up on Gateway Pundit!
KNOWINGLY. This will be their undoing.
The Media - they knew too. Yet conspired to overthrow the US Government - during a time of WAR.
Silly rabbit ....

Mexico Announces Investigation Into Hussein's Fast & Furious Gun Running Program To Overthrow US Constitution & Arm Mexican Terrorist Organizations!
@maggieNYT - does the NYT have anything to offer? KNOWINGLY?
Curious minds want to know....

Do you remember Justice Kavanaugh's Senate hearing? When Senator Graham asked Justice K about "The Law of Armed Conflict" - and whether it applies?
Remember what Justice K said?
We do.

.... during a time of war ....
@maggieNYT What say you? Remember - this is for posterity - so, please be honest?
[from the Pit of Despair - poor fella?]

>The Purple Lotus.
>The Last Plague
>Last Petal To Bloom.
Facial recognition Re:/ CBP database/ airline tickets reveal their hidden network connections. Their metadata maps reveal their plan.

Study the sharks:
>Teenage "DREAM"
// reference to DEEP-DREAM!
>Children the Target
>Sexual Iniquity = Attack Vector / Compromise
>Leads to deafening of the spirit - Jams God's Channel!!!
He's an islamofascist traitor & has a secret. his snarky 'dare you to figure it out' demeanor is reminiscent of Eddie Haskell on crack.
Note Communist / "C" & birthmark in makeup!

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