Out in the world, folks make a lot of decisions involving these ideas, they reason about them. We want to make sure our reasoning is based on a thorough understanding of the implicit premises.
Our program is in the field. It was generated directly from the codebase at some point in time.
A change is "ready" if we would have no concerns refreshing the fielded program using (codebase+change) instead of just codebase.
Ask a change-harvester:
"how can I get more value more quickly?".
Her most common answer by far:
"Take many more significantly smaller steps than you are taking now."
Sadly. It is not true, not only in your specialty, but in most domains where it's taken for granted.
The limits on human mental bandwidth are *stark* & *severe*.
Try it.
Take many more much smaller steps on your next change, and see how it goes.
And get back to me.
How do we harvest the value of change?
Join in with us!