Here's your role. Presented in your own words.
Care to comment?
We know you “made sure that anything that was involving U.S. persons, including anything involving the individuals involved in the Trump campaign was shared with the bureau [FBI].”…
"I was unaware of the providence of it as well as what was in it. And it did not play any role whatsoever in the intelligence community assessments that were done that was presented to then-President Obama and then-President-elect Trump.”
I know this is wrong
Brennan: “Yes I have…”
G: “Do you recall any U.S. ambassadors asking that names be unmasked?”
B: “I don’t—I don’t know. Maybe it’s ringing a vague bell but I’m not—I could not answer with any confidence.”
“I was aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons…and it served as the basis for the FBI investigation.”