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I write about stuff. CFA® Charter-holder
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Feb 11 7 tweets 2 min read
The Catholic Church was fully aware of billions pouring into Catholic Charities from State, USAID & FEMA.

Some astonishing quotes from an open letter sent by Bishop Joseph Strickland:

"Today, about two thirds of Catholic Charities’ annual spending comes from government sources" Strickland continues:

"It is becoming evident that in many cases children have not been adequately safeguarded from potential exploitation including human trafficking. In fact, many bishops—and in some cases the very bishops who are protesting the freezing of funds—have had a very poor record of safeguarding children in recent times"
Oct 7, 2024 6 tweets 3 min read
🧵Under FEMA's Emergency Food & Shelter Program is a section called Humanitarian EFSP for Organizations Assisting Migrants

Included is a table which lists yearly funding of humanitarian relief for illegals at the border. The numbers are huge: $715 million…Image Unlike the other grants that we found, there are no links to final recipients or a breakdown of how the amounts are spent. We do get a link to FEMA’s actual Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP) - but it takes us to a password locked site.

A site that shows what must be the recipients of this portion of FEMA’s funding: United Way; The Jewish Federation, Catholic Charities USA; Salvation Army; The National Council of the Churches of Christ, and; The American Red Cross.…Image
Aug 27, 2024 6 tweets 6 min read
1) Mark Zuckerberg made some huge admissions in his recent letter to the House Judiciary GOP.

Zuckerberg admitted that the Biden-Harris Administration "pressured" Facebook to censor stories on the origin of Covid. He admitted that the FBI pressured Facebook to censor the Hunter Laptop story. And he admitted that Facebook did what the government asked - censor Americans.

Zuckerberg also, sort of, addressed his personal contributions during the 2020 election. He appeared to be contrite for his actions, but is that in any way correct? Or is he simply worried because he got caught? A closer look at Facebook's actions over the years may answer that question.Image 2) The efforts of Zuckerberg and Facebook on behalf of Democrats and the DNC goes back to at least 2012 when Facebook shared their user data with the Obama campaign.

Obama’s Election Team was given full access to Facebook’s data in 2012. Access that was not - and would not have been granted to Conservatives.

As a result, any time people used Facebook’s log-in button to sign on to the campaign’s website, the Obama data scientists were able to access their profile as well as their friends’ information. That allowed them to chart the closeness of people’s relationships and make estimates about which people would be most likely to influence other people in their network to vote.

“We ingested the entire U.S. social graph,” Carol Davidsen said in an interview. “We would ask permission to basically scrape your profile, and also scrape your friends, basically anything that was available to scrape. We scraped it all.”

Davidson also highlighted the favoritism Facebook gave to Obama’s campaign, noting that Facebook “came to office in the days following election recruiting & were very candid that they allowed us to do things they wouldn’t have allowed someone else to do because they were on our side.”

Which raises an important question. If Facebook gave the Obama Campaign access to valuable data worth millions of dollars to bolster Obama’s chances of winning the election, why wasn’t it counted as in-kind political contributions by the Obama Campaign?
Aug 10, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
The guy who lists himself as Kamala’s Battleground Digital Director has locked his account after some fake photos of crowds were credited to him Image Follow down
Aug 29, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
Not only does it appear that Eisen worked parallel or with Fulton DA Willis, he also appears to have done the same with DA Jack Smith.

On Feb 22, 2022 Barbara McQuade wrote a memorandum: United States v. Donald Trump - A "Model Prosecution Memo"…
On July 23, 2023, Eisen published a far longer 264 page report, titled "Trump on Trial: A Model Prosecution Memo for Federal Election Interference Crimes Second Edition"…
Aug 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
John Solomon filed for Summary Judgement in regards to obtaining Trump's "Binder of Declassified Documents."

It tells some of the backstory to declass - and how the DOJ sucked those documents back in.

Meadows role detailed as well.

Big h/t @walkafyre… Solomon went to WH on evening of Jan 19, 2021 where he reviewed docs.

Plan was to fully disseminate to public on morning of the 20th.

But Solomon received a call late that night from someone w/in WH asking for their return for "additional redactions."

Here's what happened next
Aug 18, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
We know from an email sent by George Kent, deputy chief of mission in Kyiv, that a $7mm bribe was paid to the office of Ukrainian chief prosecutor Vitaly Yarema some time in latter part of 2014. Yarema's office issued a Dec 25, 2014 letter to the UK Courts - who had been investigating Zlochevsky - stating there was no longer an active Ukraine investigation into Zlochevsky.

This letter forced the UK Court to drop case.
Aug 9, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
Two days after Joe Biden's newly disclosed Dec 4, 2015 conference call w/Hunter & Burisma owner Zlochevsky, Biden's staff crafted answers to potential questions Joe might get re: Hunter's involvement w/Burisma

One of those questions:

Do you think Zlochevsky is corrupt? Image Biden's defenders like @RepDanGoldman have claimed Joe Biden didn't know these individuals - or anything about them.

But Geoffrey Pyatt, US Ambassador to Ukraine wrote to Biden's staff on Dec 6, 2015, "I assume all have the DoJ background on Zlochevsky." Image
Aug 3, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
Major problems here:

During Archer's interview, Goldman conflates UK Investigation w/Shokin.

UK investigation ended in Dec 2014 because prior prosecutor Yarema - NOT Shokin - stated there was no active investigation

DoS George Kent's email clarifies:…
Here, Kent describes UK Investigation - and how it ended in late Dec 2014 because Yarema told UK Courts "there was no active case open on Zlochevsky"

Kent also mentions the $7mm bribe paid to Yarema's office.

Yarema resigned shortly after on Feb 9, 2015. Shokin replaced him. Image
Jul 30, 2023 28 tweets 7 min read
1) I've become increasingly convinced that "RussiaGate" may have actually originated w/Biden.

Not in order to protect Biden, but rather to protect Obama - and the DC Establishment's way of doing business.

Allow me to explain my thinking.
2) Most are familiar w/sequence of events leading to the firing of Ukrainian prosecutor Víctor Shokin - as the direct result of political and financial pressure from then-VP Joe Biden.

This thread, which focuses on Shokin timeline, is a good refresher:
Jul 21, 2023 16 tweets 4 min read
1) There has been ongoing confusion surrounding the timing and actions of Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin - the man whom Biden pressured Ukrainian President Poroshenko to fire. One of the ways this has been done — intentionally or otherwise — has been to conflate the actions of Shokin's predecessor, Vitaly Yarema, with Shokin.
Jul 4, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
It's starting to make sense.

Shokin fired on March 29, 2016. Sevruk temp replacement. Met w/Blue Star on April 6th & reportedly memorialized meeting:

BS "offered an apology for the “false” narrative that had been provided by U.S. officials about Shokin being corrupt and inept." May 12, 2016 - Yuryi Lutsenko appointed as prosecutor general of Ukraine - replacing the recently appointed Sevruk...
Jun 14, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
When this broke, I assumed it was an effort/response by IC to muddy the waters. TBH, I still think that.


Elena Baturina's $3.5mm unexplained 2/14 payment to Hunter has always bothered me.

Especially as we know Baturina/Zlochevsky/Hunter can be tied to two later meetings. Feb. 14, 2014 - Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina wired a $3.5 million payment to Hunter's Rosemont Seneca.

Baturina was married to the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow.

Baturina also sent a series of payments between May 6, 2015, and Dec. 8, 2015, to Rosemont.…
Jun 13, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
I've always questioned why Ukraine's National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU) suddenly entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the FBI.

By February 9, 2016, the FBI had a permanent representative onsite at NABU offices.… The FBI presence onsite happened exactly as Biden was forcing the firing of Burisma prosecutor Shokin.

The stated purpose of having FBI onsite at the Ukraine offices was to trace "monetary flows."

Which is very odd.
May 3, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
1) Unknown if directly related, but a damning Nov 2, 2015 email on Hunter's laptop was from Vadym Pozharskyi, head of Burisma’s board.

Pozharskyi directed Hunter to “close down" "any cases or pursuits” against Burisma owner Zlochevsky in Ukraine. 2) Three weeks later, on Nov. 22, VP Joe Biden demanded the removal of Ukraine prosecutor Victor Shokin.

Biden's sudden demand seemed odd as US State Dept officials had previously praised Shokin in the months leading up to Biden's demand for Shokin's removal.
Apr 23, 2023 10 tweets 3 min read
"US government officials speculate all the time"

Like this @McFaul?

NULAND: I think Yats [opposition leader Arseniy Yatsenyuk] is the guy who’s got the economic experience, the governing experience. What he needs is Klitsch and Tyahnybok on the outside.… Pyatt: "we want to try to get somebody with an international personality to come out here & help to midwife this thing..."

Nuland: "Sullivan's come back to me saying you need Biden & I said probably tomorrow for an atta-boy and to get the deets to stick. So Biden's willing."…
Apr 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Democrats have fabricated a fictitious Russia-Collusion/Russian-Interference narrative in two consecutive presidential elections — altering the outcome of those elections in the process. In each of those elections, the Intelligence Community played a direct and willing role.

Brennan pushed information into the FBI regarding the Trump Campaign in 2015, The FBI used that info to open Crossfire Hurricane Investigation.

Brennan, Clapper & Comey also created the ICA
Apr 21, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
The real story is how corporate media organizations, rather than focusing on the content of the revealing documents themselves, chose to focus on finding out who leaked them.

And we have quite a few questions.… Did the NY Times and the Washington Post really lead the intelligence community to Teixeira?

Or did the intelligence community lead the NY Times and the Post to Teixeira?
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
In early February 2020, James Le Duc (a prominent Fauci-funded virologist who personally trained staff at Wuhan Institute of Virology) privately voiced concerns to the vice-director of Wuhan Institute Virology, Yuan Zhiming, that the pandemic had originated from the Wuhan lab. The email sent by Le Duc to Yuan contained a document titled “Investigation into the possibility that the nCoV was the result of a release from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (main campus or new BSL3/BSL4 facilities).”
Mar 14, 2023 8 tweets 2 min read
This is actually not entirely new:

“On February 23, 2017, a Shanghai based company … that was affiliated with CEFC China Energy, sent a $3,000,000 wire” to Robinson Walker, a company associated with Hunter Biden’s business associate, Rob Walker.… Another $3 million was sent on March 1, 2017. Although it is not yet known with precision what happened with the $6 million, it is known that Hunter Biden received regular payments from Walker’s company, along with more than $500,000 from Walker directly.
Mar 12, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Hi @Mike_Pence

I was wondering if you could explain why you cheered on a crowd two days before election, telling them "we've all got our doubts."

Contrasted w/your silence on Jan 5th & Jan 6th UNTIL you sent your tweet at 1:02pm - exactly as fences were breached.…… At 12:53 on the day of the election, Pence released a letter to Congress stating his position on electoral certification for the FIRST TIME publicly:

“I do not believe that the Founders of our country intended to invest the Vice President with unilateral authority to decide……