🔹He doesn’t know how
🔹He isn’t equipped (he spent 3 years dismantling the government and appointing people “loyal” to him instead of experts)
🔹Using the government to help people goes against the GOP ideology.
Obama is what Max Weber calls a rule of law leader.
(Paraphrasing from Weber's Politics as Vocation)
A rule of law leader relies on truth.

He derives his authority from his "instincts."
This requires lies and myth (My instincts are superior to science! I have a mystic connection to the nation’s destiny! I know best!)
He's doing the exact same thing he's been doing for 4 years.
Consider what would happen if instead he suddenly tried to do an about-face and handle the pandemic the way a rule-of-law leader would.
He would fail miserably.
Moreover (and this is important) his base would lose interest in him.
He’d cease to be their hero, the strongman doing battle with their enemies, fighting the “Deep State” and socking it to the libs.
So he has two options: Double-down and keep his base excited, or try to act like Obama and fall short. He can’t out-Obama Obama.
His base doesn’t want a rule of law leader.
They want a rule breaker.
If Democrats try to compete in the arena of “who fights dirtiest” they’ll lose. You can’t out-Herod Herod.
Democrats (and Trump critics) want a rule of law leader.
That’s because a lot of people reject "objective measures."
They want the myth of the strongman.
I can't decide whether to blame the keyboard gremlins or fire my proofreader (even though I don't have one)
Doubling down is therefore the smarter strategy. He can retain the support he has, and try to expand that.
Or he can lose his base.
He’s already burned his bridges with people who prefer rule of law.
So doubling down is the smarter (and more cynical) strategy.
🔹Embrace conspiracy theories
🔹Make himself the victim of an insidious plot to destroy America.
🔹Call any reporting he doesn’t like “fake news”
It (1) advances a narrative that helps Trump and (2) moves people out of the world of facts into myth.
It's equally dangerous to overestimate him.
If I were Trump and wanted to destroy democracy and install a leadership cult, I'd try to goad the Democrats into fighting like Republicans. . .
On the other hand, if I wanted to save Democracy I'd tell everyone to work on getting their absentee ballots.
Winning in Nov. will not solve all of our problems, but it's a necessary first step.
I was shocked by how many of my long time followers were 100% persuaded after the Flynn thing that Trump was invincible and all would be lost.
Even people who KNOW he's a con man thought this. People who know his side lost in Wisconsin.
It's exactly what the conman is doing.
I think I'll use that when I put it on my blog (including and giving credit to Jay.)
Warning: Your comments may end up in my blog post.
First: "I sure hope you're right and the election isn't stolen."
When someone says, "I sure hope . . " I hear is passivity and even privilege. "I hope lots of people are out there working on this."
The real danger is voter suppression. . .
Stacy Abrams formed Fair Fight to fight voter suppression.
The other "logic" I'd like to debunk is: "Trump is acting like he knows he's going to win. So he must know he can fix the election. So he must know the fix is in."
If the fix was in, what was the point of Operation Ukraine Shakedown (which failed, by the way.) Had it succeeded. . .
Operation Ukraine Shakedown was launched shortly after the GOP lost the midterms in 2018, because the writing was on the wall.