* I didn't get [compounding] until I experienced it. I have never been able to learn from other people's mistakes. I have to make my own.
* Volatility is a risk only in the short run.
* Bought $MA in 2010 at ~$22 with regulatory worries wrt Durbin amendment. Now 10-bagger in 10 yrs:
"Their returns are so high they can't possibly find a place to reinvest their money, so our compounding is diminished modestly because of that"
Has had 2 100-baggers, $BRK.B and $AMT
"You really only need to have one great success."
$AMT was at center of wireless connectivity the same way $MSFT was at center of PCs. Initial purchase in '99 when it had presence in 3 countries, now in 15
This means not even selling during times of overvaluation.
Longer I invest, the more I agree with this.
Business quality > valuation
From akrecapital.com/the-art-of-not…