Anand Ranganathan Profile picture
May 12, 2020 72 tweets 38 min read Read on X
THIS, for me, was the most important message of the speech, and if realised we are truly looking at a new India.

44% of our 475 million-strong labour force is in the Agricultural sector (2% in the West); and yet the latter contributes only 12.5% to GDP.
As far as Science and Technology is concerned, this is draconian and monumentally regressive.

Most hi-tech equipments used in the domain of the sciences, esp Biology, are not made in India. How will Government research centres and labs function? MADNESS.
Local has to be sector-based. You can go local in Agriculture or Tourism, but not when it comes to Science and security.

Uncle chips over Pringles; Amul over Häagen Dazs; Ajanta Ellora over Big Ben - sure. But Guduchi over Bedaquiline; Shilajit over Viagra; Tejas over Rafale?
Spine always grows in the back that is against the wall, and it is time for @narendramodi to hold true to his vow of yesterday to reform Agriculture.

My views on his speech, and also on the perils of going local across all sectors. #BackAatmanirbharBharat
Dawn of a new era. Essential Commodities Act Amended; State barriers removed; Boost to micro food enterprises; Contract farming realised; Markets integrated. Phenomenal slew of reforms, has to be said.

May 15, 2020. Independence Day for our Farmers.
The financial measures and reforms announced today would transform the farmer from a serf to a businessman. Yes, this should have been done decades ago; but then who is to be blamed?

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar.

It is ironical that the Congress is blaming Modi for unemployment and the state of the economy, when all what he has ever done is follow the Congress socialist policies.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar. #ModiBirthdayPoliticised
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Unless you are on a treadmill.

Modi has been walking the treadmill these past six years. With these monumental agricultural reforms, he jumped on to the travelator. Support him.
The anti-Farm Bill protests are anti-Farmer. Period.

One hopes Modi doesn't wake up one day & recommend breathing in of clean air or these dunderheads will pick up axes in their thousands and begin chopping trees.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar.
Justin Trudeau is the Rahul Gandhi of Canada. With elections approaching he is all revved up with ik umkar bandana and kirpan by his hip for the gurdwara run.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar. #LobbyBacksVideshNotDesh
Thank you for the wonderful Hindi and Punjabi translations, @prachyam7. [I can neither confirm nor deny their authenticity.]
India will remain open on Bharat Bandh.
From Bhatinda to Bengal the river of hypocrisy is flowing, and all those who oppose these agriculture reforms are enjoying a holy dip in it.

Here I expose them, on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar.
This must be the first instance of the Opposition protesting for having all its wishes fulfilled by the government.

But if things have to change for the better, we must look beyond the hypocrisy. My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar.
If the government buckles and gives in to guaranteeing MSP, it would be an UNMITIGATED DISASTER for this country.

My views on the whole MSP issue, on @TimesNow with @madhavgk.
What is the idea behind such headlines and reports? Hindu farmers don't exist? And even if they do they aren't protesting? And even if they are let's exclude them from stories of inter-faith unity?

Identify the enemy. Without mentioning him.

There is no longer even a pretence. Image
As expected, the anti-farm Bill agitation has turned into a car-boot sale of protests, and it is crucial for the government to keep an eye out to make sure this doesn't turn into a repeat of Shaheen Bagh.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar.
Never have I seen anyone protesting after having all of his demands met. These protesters are embarrassing themselves.

My views on @TimesNow with @madhavgk.
These protesters have altered the meaning of APMC. It now stands for Agricultural Protests Marketing Committee. And the MSP they are demanding for their support is release of Maoists and advocacy for middlemen.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar.
Everyone's an anarchist until Kejriwal arrives.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar, on the man who tore up today the laws that deliver on exactly what he promised in his manifesto.
These reforms can transform the lives of 83% of Indian households, and if they do - four years is time enough to see the fruits of these reforms - expect another landslide in 2024. This is what worries the opposition.

My views on @TimesNow with @madhavgk.
ALL rational Indians MUST support Modi on these monumental agricultural reforms, and make sure he doesn't succumb to emotional blackmail. I list out 8 things that he must do in the coming days.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar.

Pinds of Anarchy. The land that gave us the Green Revolution is now hell-bent on giving us the red version.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar, on the wanton destruction of public and private property in the name of protest.
My lords, you should be men, not Gods. You should hold a pen, not a bolt of lighning. You should earn respect, not demand it. And you should herald too much democracy, not too much anarchy.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar.
Democracy. /dɪˈmɒkrəsi/ (noun): Of the Supreme court. By the Supreme court. For the Supreme court.
The Constitution of India died today. And carrying her dead body through the quiet and sombre Tilak Marg were the burly pallbearers, the justices of the Supreme court.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar.
If the govt relaxes the income tax slabs, should millions of delighted middle class taxpayers march to the Supreme court and submit a petition?

My views on @TimesNow, on the absurd logic of the SC demanding pro-Farm bill petitions. #KisanCourtDeadlock
India has lost! अराजकतावाद की विजय। बुरे दिन आने वाले हैं।

I usually ask for 30 seconds, but not tonight.

Tonight I asked for a minute. #KisanWontBudge
Farm bills, passed LEGALLY, would've made millions of farmers & businesses prosperous.

Holding bills back means losses for them.

To compensate for the losses, if the govt can demand money from businesses RETROSPECTIVELY, the farmers should demand money from the govt PROACTIVELY
Terrible visuals. Anarchy on parade on Republic day.

If anything untoward happens, let it be known: the Congress and all those who wanted these farm reforms but fomented anarchy because Modi realised them, will have blood on their hands.
To those who insist State inaction is strategic, that Modi is playing 4D chess, recall what happened a year ago when the illegal anti-CAA protests were allowed to go on. Anarchism won. People died.

Democracy has been endowed with the third eye. Open it.
The mob, brandishing swords and sticks, has now reached the Red Fort.

Imagine during a war the world's largest democracy allows the enemy to blitzkrieg through to the very heart of the capital.

Unbelievable. Unacceptable. Heads must roll for this.
The Republic of India has surrendered.

Hope you and your bishops and your knights are enjoying your 4D Chess.
The hoisting of an illegal flag is not as simple an act as it sounds. It signifies the taking over of a place. It is psychologically overwhelming. The symbolism is crushing.

Never thought I'd live to see this day. Never.

Narendra Damodardas Modi, are you as angry as we are? Image
Let it be known that from this day on the four exalted pillars - Judiciary, Legislature, Executive, and the Press - support Anarchy not Democracy.

Where do we go from here; which pillar do we lean our whipped backs against?

My views: #RdaySpiritShamed
HORROR at the Red Fort. Farmers thrashing policemen off the ramparts.

Over a hundred police men and women have been severely injured; many are critical. This the price they have to pay in the line of duty. Hope you are watching, @AmitShah.
An appeal to the most powerful man in India. No, not Mr Kovind, not Mr Modi.

You have witnessed the bloody and tragic scenes; you have seen these anarchists run riot in the capital. Wake up. Apologise. Act. #ArrestAnarchists
Delhi borders are being cleared, blocked highways opened.

Before some hail this as the result of a brilliant check and mate, I want you to remember: 394 police men and women had to sustain grievous injuries for this to happen; some are battling for their lives.

Chess is evil.
A3, B4, C3, D4, E3, F4, G3, H4 have names; they have families, that are keeping a vigil tonight for the critical.

If Anarchism has been pushed back or defeated, it is because of the unbelievable bravery of the Delhi police.

My views: #IndiaVsAnarchists
You cannot condone an illegality (the blockade) and then condemn the illegality stemming from it (violence).

My views:
How else should the police protect the citizens and their city from anarchists - using mattresses as barricades? Gainda phools as defensive lethal force? Ram lila cardboard swords?

I once again appeal to hon'ble Bobde. ACT. NOW. #FenceAgainstAnarchy
For the first time in my life I get the feeling that this might actually be true. Image
Welcome to the theatre of the absurd. This is how all such revolutions end, in a farce, where foreign politicians, pop-stars, and porn-stars jump in hoping to extract their pound of flesh.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar. #IndiaRejectsPropaganda
All those who are protesting are not Khalistanis. Just like all those who are farmers are not protesters.
Had these anarchists spent as much time studying in college as they did in preparing that Breaking India Toolkit, they might have had a chance of doing something with their lives.

My views on @TimesNow with @navikakumar. #IndiaExposesGretaLobby
These protests are no longer about the farm bills, that are like the kid you were supposed to pick up after school but forgot.

These protests are about breaking india.
When you have the entire Opposition against the reforms they had promised in their own manifesto, you know they are taking the label 'Opposition' literally.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar. #AtmanirbharVipakshKab
PM Modi today showed the mirror to these 'dynasty jeevis' & 'andolan jeevis' but I don't think they want to see their reflection. Because you can't shame the shameless. You can't wake someone pretending to be asleep.

My views: #ModiVsAndolanjeevis
Where I quote, verbatim, from the Congress Manifesto on what it promised, and from the Contract Farming Act currently being implemented in Congress-ruled Punjab.

These three farm bills are what the Congress had promised.

My views: #PMCongAndolanjeeviJibe
Being dense, unemployable, or brainwashed, is not a crime. If it was, all our prisons would be filled with communists. But accepting money from, or working with, banned terror outfits, is.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar. #ToolkitTruthProbe
Nowadays, if you switch on the kitchen exhaust fan while frying pakoras, you can be called a climate activist.

These are the same climate activists who support those who want immunity from prosecution for burning stubble and harming millions of lives.
The same woke environmental activists screaming right now about India having the world's most polluted cities were a few weeks ago out on the streets supporting those who want immunity from prosecution for burning stubble that pollutes these very cities & harms millions of lives.
Attempted lynching of a sitting BJP MLA by anti-farm laws protesters in broad daylight, and not a squeak from activists, professors, and Congress stooges.

If this had happened with a Congress MLA in a BJP State, Democracy would have been declared DEAD.
Right in the middle of the second wave, ignoring multi-State lockdowns and curfews and section 144, farmers are marching in their thousands to Delhi.

Give me ONE reason why the ex-Chief Justice of India hon'ble Bobde should not be arrested.
Shocking that the Haryana govt has withdrawn all cases and FIRs against the protesting farmers who had indulged in violence and stone-pelting. Is there such a thing as law in our country?

For this decision alone, there should be an FIR filed against @mlkhattar.
For how long will we bear the brunt of anarchy?

Here I argue that cases should be registered against the ex-Chief Justice of India, the present Home Minister of India, and the Chief Minister of Haryana, for not acting against illegal Farmer protests.
A Dalit BJP leader is assaulted, has his clothes ripped off by protesting farmers in Congress ruled Rajasthan. NO OUTRAGE.

If a Dalit INC leader had been assaulted similarly in UP, our media houses would have demanded US intervention to curb fascist Modi.
Because Singhu Border is blocked by farmers, THIS is how millions of honest taxpayers are commuting from Kundli.


Always remember: Whenever a politician asks you to grin and bear it, he is the one grinning and you are the one bearing it.
These blockaders probably think right to protest is right to prevent millions of law abiding citizens from earning their livelihood. They want revolution not reforms.


My views on @TimesNow, on #AndolankarisGoBack
HORROR in broad daylight. BJP workers being lynched by protesting farmers. Sadly, this was bound to happen after the Indian state failed to act against the Republic Day lawlessness and criminality.

Where is @AmitShah. Someone show him this video, please.
UNREAL. Asking citizens to take up arms & fight anarchy with anarchy, even goading them to spend time in jail - this after his own govt withdrew ALL cases against farmers who indulged in violence & stone pelting.

RESIGN if you can’t handle law and order.
Vultures always hover over the tower of silence. The fault is of those who have been silently watching India fall into the grip of anarchy.

Why is Tikait, charged with a dozen heinous crimes, allowed to sit next to the police chief? My views on @TimesNow:
The horrific murder of a young man by protesters at Singhu border is proof that anarchy if left unchecked results in barbarism that spreads like a forest fire.

If this govt and the supreme court do not act even now, it is clear they want it to spread like a forest fire.
Shocked. This is a cowardly act. A humiliating defeat for development, for sense and sanity, for progress, for India. Narendra Modi joins the Opposition in taking us back decades.

India has lost! अराजकतावाद की विजय। बुरे दिन आने वाले हैं।
The entire Opposition promised these very Farm reforms in their manifesto. Modi delivered them.

The message is clear. Block roads. Strike work. Revolt. Loot. Kill. And Modi will succumb.

Democracy. /dɪˈmɒkrəsi/ (noun): Of the Anarchists. By the Anarchists. For the Anarchists.
Today marks the victory of Anarchy over Democracy, Luddism over Logic, Control over Choice. Street veto has defeated reforms. India has truly lost.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar. #FarmLawsRepealed
As expected, the emboldened protestors, middlemen, and anarchists are now clamouring for an MSP law. If the govt buckles and gives in to guaranteeing MSP, it would be an UNMITIGATED DISASTER for this country.

Here I explain why in detail, on @TimesNow.
This is shocking, CRIMINAL; a direct violation of the government’s own order and a contempt of the Supreme Court. It is official now - there exists no such thing as law & order in our country.

The anarchists had asked the government to bend; the government has decided to crawl.
The day PM Modi decided to repeal the farm laws, that very day he sent a message: anarchy wins over democracy. And since that day the govt has been crawling when asked to bend by the anarchists.

My views on @TimesNow with @RShivshankar.
The CJI stayed them. The Centre repealed them. We suffered a loss of more than 1.7 lac crores because of the year-long illegal blockade of highways and economic corridors. And now they say this.

Honestly. This country became a Banana Republic the moment it became a Republic. Image

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More from @ARanganathan72

Aug 17, 2023
The first quanta of royalties from Hindus in Hindu Rashtra [] has arrived - ₹ 51,000. Thanks, @BluOneInk.

As promised, and in gratitude, donating the entire sum, first up, to Sewa Nyaya run for Hindu Refugees by @swati_gs & @SanjeevSanskrit. Thank you.
2. The second instalment of the royalties from Hindus in Hindu Rashtra is here from @BluOneInk - ₹ 1,35,000. In gratitude, donating the entire sum to Nimittekam, an organisation run for Hindu refugees by @JaiAahuja and @satyanveshan. Thank you.

3. Third instalment of the royalties from Hindus in Hindu Rashtra is here from @BluOneInk - ₹ 1,05,000. In gratitude, donating the entire sum to Kashmiri Medical Emergency & Charitable Trust that works for Kashmiri Hindus living in camps. Thanks.

Read 6 tweets
Mar 9, 2023
Hindus in Hindu Rashtra: Victims of State-sanctioned Apartheid.

My talk expounding on eight reasons why Hindus have been reduced to not just second-class citizens but, rather, eighth-class citizens in their own country.

Reason 1: State control of Hindu temples
Hindus in Hindu Rashtra: Victims of State-sanctioned Apartheid. Eight reasons why Hindus have been reduced to not just second-class citizens but, rather, eighth-class citizens in their own country.

Reason 2: The injustice towards Kashmiri Hindus
Eight reasons why Hindus have been reduced to not just second-class citizens but, rather, eighth-class citizens in their own country.

How can a 1500-year-old Tamil Nadu temple be adjudged by Waqf to be on Islamic land when Islam is only 1300 years old?

Reason 3: The Waqf Act
Read 8 tweets
Oct 20, 2022
The only way stubble burning can be banned is if we call it Parali Dahan, a Hindu festival wherein according to the Atharva veda, lord Vishnu burnt demon king Paralisura when he enslaved Maruts and storm king Rudra. Only then will it be banned.

My views:
For those blaming Diwali for the state of Delhi air, here's some perspective: An area of 17,900 sqkm, or 12 times the size of Delhi, is on fire, right now, right next to Delhi. 35 million tonnes of stubble is being burnt.

This is the current situation in Punjab. Absolute MURDER. Image
We are outraging only because Delhi is affected by farm fires. 98 million tonnes of stubble is burnt every year in India, ALL YEAR round.

Punjab recorded a crazy 1842 farm fires yesterday. Forget politicians, there ought to be a class action suit against Supreme court judges. Image
Read 6 tweets
Jan 9, 2022
“Old and SENILE men like Periyar deserve a place more in a lunatic asylum than in public life. It is HIGH time Periyar and his followers were BANISHED from this land.” - Jawaharlal Nehru

Dare you to say Pt Nehru was an idiot to have said this for Periyar. Don’t run away. WDTT
Shifting goalposts and slinking away from answering straight can work on twitter but I’m afraid the ED and CBI won’t fall for such tricks. Was about to suggest you get some interrogation training but then I remembered you’ve been home-schooled at this.

Have a nice Sunday 😊WDTT
Ha ha, If only you were able to shift your wealth as smoothly as you do goalposts, you’d be safe. Now pay attention, double O six. Fascism was when you went crying to your dad in 2012 and got a man arrested for his harmless tweet. It is you who pines for that past. Bye now. WDTT
Read 5 tweets
Dec 17, 2021
This is unacceptable and OUTRAGEOUS. ⁦@Twitter⁩ has indefinitely blocked journalist ⁦@AartiTikoo⁩ for this tweet, where she is looking out for her brother ⁦@TikooSahil_⁩ whose life is being threatened by terrorists. Twitter are you mad? Unblock Aarti. RIGHT NOW. Image
Bravo, @AartiTikoo. BRAVO. Never bow down to these terror apologists at @Twitter.

Dear @Rajeev_GoI. Please take note of this ridiculous and bizarre situation. A sister is being punished for protecting her brother. Never seen anything like it. Image
Laton ke bhoot baton se nahin mante. Aarti takes @Twitter to court for acting against her when all she was trying to do was protect her brother @TikooSahil_ from terrorists.

More power to you, @AartiTikoo. Sahil must be so proud to have a sis like you. And shame on you, @paraga. Image
Read 4 tweets
Dec 10, 2021
Exact opposite happened. Govt provided choice on APMC, gave option on contract farming, amended ECA promised by INC, even decriminalised farm fires; while the other side pillaged, raped, murdered, blocked highways.

Do you hire cartoonists or propagandists, @timesofindia? WDTT Image
UNREAL blend of Hindu hatred and Scientific ignorance: 1. Suggesting that evolution is incomplete if you don't convert into Abrahamic religions; 2. Claiming that religions that contradict evolution complete evolution.

Do you hire cartoonists or propagandists, @News9Tweets? WDTT Image
@timesofindia Crazy. Trying to project Elon Musk stifling free speech like the tinpot dictator Idi Amin when he is the exact opposite and trying to rid twitter of Idi Amins, this is not propaganda anymore, this is psychopathy.

No one has ruined Laxman's legacy like the newspaper he drew for. Image
Read 4 tweets

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