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Nov 23rd 2021
जेव्हा #FarmLaws पीएम नरेंद्र मोदीजी यांनी मागे घेतल तेव्हा खुश होऊन ट्विट करणाऱ्या पाकिस्तान प्रेमी वामपंथी दलाल पत्रकाराला मी बोललो होतो. मोदीजी या वामपंथी पत्रकाराना सुखाने जगुन देईच नाही अस ठरवल आहे का? (१/२)
बिचारे आता जरा #FarmLawsRepealed झाल म्हणुन आनंद व्यक्त करत होते, कि लगेच पीओके परत घेण्याचा निर्णय देऊन यांच्या आनंदाच्या दुधात मीठ टाकण्याच काम केल आहे. आता परत एकदा पाकिस्तानी विषारी साप बाहेर पडतील..! (२/२)
By taking the decision to take back PoK in India, PM @narendramodi ji has done the work of adding salt to the milk of happiness of Pakistan-loving broker Left journalists who are celebrating the #FarmLawsRepealed.

@RanaAyyub @khanumarfa @rohini_sgh

Read 4 tweets
Nov 22nd 2021
Do you wonder why the ‘protest’ at the Delhi border hasn’t stopped even after #FarmLawsRepealed?
(Firstly the jobless, violent, belligerent men camping at the border are not farmers. They are traders, brokers, wannabe politicians)

Here are the developments to watch:
#Thread 1/6
Farmers in Punjab, for the first time, have started receiving wheat MSP payment directly in their bank accounts & about Rs 8,180 crore has been transferred this year so far.

Govt has already begun dismantling the exploitative trader hegemony.

Center has opened up the restrictions on mapping. Indian companies had so far been required to seek licenses & approvals to create & publish maps & other geospatial data.

Ending those restrictions is part of India’s push toward self-reliance.

Read 6 tweets
Nov 20th 2021
1/7. Why is it so hard for the media to admit that the farmers at Delhi’s gates represent the largest peaceful democratic protest the world has seen in years – that too, organised at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic? Story link at end of thread.
#FarmLaws #FarmLawsRepealed
2/7. Prime Minister Modi ‘apologises’ to the nation not for bringing in obnoxious anti-farmer laws but because, he says, he failed to persuade ‘a section of farmers despite best efforts’ to accept them. So which sections of farmers did he persuade?
#FarmLaws #FarmLawsRepealed
3/7. Denying them entry to Delhi, blocking them with trenches, barbed wire and water cannons, converting their camps into little gulags, vilifying them daily – these were the government’s ‘best efforts’ at persuasion? I’d hate to see their worst ones.
#FarmLaws #FarmLawsRepealed
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
#FarmLaws #farmlawswithdrawn

@OfficeOfOPS @EPSTamilNadu @thenisiraj
@bentalk1 @Civilerbala1979 @TPR62523096
@pdhana @Ananthi90403790

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கரையினில் நெருப்பு
இரண்டுக்கும் நடுவே
இறைவனின் சிரிப்பு
ஏணிந்த சிரிப்பு

OPS நவ்
ஒருபாதை போட்ட நாயகன்-அதை
வேலி போட்டு மூடினான்
மனம் வேலி தாண்டி போனது அதை
தாலி வந்து கேட்டது...

தேனுக்குள் விழுந்து
திகைத்தது எறும்பு
இதயத்தின் பிணைப்பு
இறைவனின் சிரிப்பு...

ஒரு நீதி கூண்டில் நின்றது
ஒரு நீதி சாட்சி சொன்னது
ஒரு நீதி தெய்வம் ஆனது இதில்
தர்மம் எங்கு போனது?
ஒரு பக்கம் இருட்டு
ஒரு பக்கம் வெளிச்சம்
ஒரு பக்கம் வழக்கு
இறைவனின் சிரிப்பு... Image
Read 4 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
There are lots of emotion outburst on TL, ranging from disappointment to backlashe PM Modi & govt for repealing farm laws. That's nonetheless affirm the expectation from the same govt.

The apprehension are obvious for setting the wrong precedence about other decisive move like Article 370/35A, CAA and so kneeling down to violent street veto. TV debate penalist to prominent pro-govt handlers are critical about deficiency of the move & also it won't help a bit
to score in state elections too. All opinions are important & must be respected.

Now let's take a pause and be reminded of the fact that since day-1 the Modi regime has faced unprecedented challenges, internally and externally, which no other regime has ever.

Read 14 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
#FarmLawsRepealed 1/3

Was this a regressive move? Hell Yeah!
Were 95% of Farmers shortchanged – only they can tell that.

If politics was all about rattling off numbers & data like Scientist #RangaMama has been harping today, even he can become PM. The Question is why not?
#FarmLawsRepealed 2/3

Only #PMModi knows why this was done!

If India had a decent opposition, they would've questioned this regressive move.

But, they themselves are in bed with the fake farmers!

So, why would they question it?
#FarmLawsRepealed 3/3

It would be the duty of the opposition to question this, if they really cared about the negative impact of this repeal.

But their own credibility as an opposition is at stake, and this is not #PMModi 's fault.

Till then, we can only keep guessing
Read 4 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
कृषी कायदे मागे घेण्याचे मुख्य कारण-माझं मत
#थ्रेड 1/10

मागे @capt_amarinder यांनी अमित शहांची दिल्लीत भेट घेतली होती. त्यावेळी सुरक्षेसंबंधी महत्त्वाची कागदपत्रं त्यांनी गृहमंत्र्यांना सुपूर्द केली होती.
त्यानंतर कॅप्टननी #अजित_डोवाल यांचीही भेट घेऊन संबंधित मुद्द्यांवर चर्चा
केली होती. ज्याअर्थी ते डोवालना भेटले त्याअर्थी कॅप्टन यांचेकडे अत्यंत संवेदनशील आणि गोपनीय माहिती पुराव्यानिशी होती.

याच सुमारास कॅप्टन #सिद्धू वर टीका करत म्हणाले होते की सिद्धू हा अत्यंत विश्वासघातकी माणूस असून तो राष्ट्रसुरक्षेस धोका आहे. सिद्धूची गळाभेट आठवून पहा. 2/10
केंद्र सरकारने आजच्या दिवशी गुरुनानक जयंतीचा मुहूर्त साधत #कर्तारपूर_कॉरिडॉर पुन्हा खुला केला. यावर अनेक शिखांनी केंद्राचे आभार मानले.
पण त्याचवेळी पाकी #इम्रान_खान सरकारने याचं श्रेय सिद्धूला देत त्याचं कौतुक केलं.…
Read 16 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
In case you're a non-Indian (or even an Indian) confused about what #Farmlawsrepealed exactly means and why everyone from Rihanna to Martina to Mia Khalifa were tweeting about it, here's a very simple thread laying out the simple facts.

60% Indians make a living through farming.
The modern Indian state plays a big role in agriculture, as a result. It tries to be the guarantor for all produce, set minimum support prices, provide a basic safety net. It's a progressive system put in place by INC people mostly. It has several problems too.
There are sectors of agriculture where government involvement causes more harm than good. And there are sectors of agriculture where government involvement causes more good than harm.

It's a complex world, right?

So anyway, Modi is always looking for some big "WIN".
Read 30 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
Farm laws have already created an alternative market for produce. Arhatiyas will find it difficult to get back on the gravy train. The foreign-funded agitation will get buried. Most genuine farmers have tasted the freedom of an open market.
Canards about Adani/Ambani exploiting the farmers will have no more legitimacy. It has finished Congress and AAP in Punjab. It already finished the Dāl Mafia in Canada. Farm laws have served their purpose and are no longer needed. Market dynamics will now shape the future.
It's also certain that BJP will now align with Amarinder's party. SAD will really become sad.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
Bhakt meltdowns galore 🤣🤣🤣
Best is all the "hmpf, so all you need to do to repeal laws you don't like is go out on the streets and protest non-violently" as if it's a bad thing. When it's democracy 101. But sanghis don't understand democracy or the idea of a republic where protests are a fundamental right.
"maybe we should also go protest on the streets for repealing laws we don't like" said another butthurt sanghi.

Umm, y'all have like a two thirds majority in the Parliament. And y'all are in the streets everyday already. You use violence. #FarmersProtest didn't.
Read 19 tweets
Nov 19th 2021
"Jhoota hain ye"
Farmers at Tikri Kalan protest site on the furthest reaches of a west Delhi metro line celebrate, but tell @iyerkavi they
won’t return to their villages. Nobody trusts #Modi govt & want more clarity on parliamentary process before they leave
“We’ve been called Khalistani, Talibani, terrorist, sometimes it’s been said this is a Jat protest, Sikh protest…The PM of this nation today had to ask forgiveness from farmers, we have learned how to take out country forward, together.” : Meet Mann
Mann, 41, gen secy of Zamindara Students Organisation, that runs the biggest langar at the Tikri protest site, has been here since nov 26, 2020, returning home to a village 50 km away in Jhajjar, Haryana only 5 or 6 times for a single night.
Read 11 tweets
May 12th 2020
THIS, for me, was the most important message of the speech, and if realised we are truly looking at a new India.

44% of our 475 million-strong labour force is in the Agricultural sector (2% in the West); and yet the latter contributes only 12.5% to GDP.
As far as Science and Technology is concerned, this is draconian and monumentally regressive.

Most hi-tech equipments used in the domain of the sciences, esp Biology, are not made in India. How will Government research centres and labs function? MADNESS.
Local has to be sector-based. You can go local in Agriculture or Tourism, but not when it comes to Science and security.

Uncle chips over Pringles; Amul over Häagen Dazs; Ajanta Ellora over Big Ben - sure. But Guduchi over Bedaquiline; Shilajit over Viagra; Tejas over Rafale?
Read 72 tweets

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