…ready for it?

I cut the box open while we sorted through some other mail. And, then...
No joke. Sometimes, you need to calm down.
And, she’s right. We can all take small steps with a big impact.
But, she’s also wrong … when the woman writing the letter is @TaylorSwift13.

And, the smell of happiness fills the room, my friends, and lingers for hours.
All four of us - including Finn - sat quietly & hung on every word as Emerson read the letter aloud.
Most of the letter is personal and between Em & Taylor. But a couple of details just for you…
She wrote, “Dearest Emerson…”
“I hope you’re feeling good during isolation & not too lonely…”
“Make sure to find time to create & daydream…”
“And remember, no one expects you to be perfect...you’ve already set a really cool example and I’m proud of you. :)”
And, it has nothing to do with Taylor’s celebrity.
It has everything to do with her humanity.
Inexplicably, she sees Em. She sees her beauty. She sees her heart. She sees the real her.
It’s the simple things. The basics. The humanity. Connection.
And, jokes. Taylor added a doozy she made up herself for our joke collection. That one will stay between Taylor & Em.
And, @TaylorSwift13 -
Forever & Always - #weseeyou & from the bottom of our hears, thank you - #SincerelyEmerson & The Webers
Clearly Emerson and I are a lot alike and we’re both still working on our spelling. 😂
Have a great Wednesday everyone! ❤️