Here's a megathread with what you need to know 👇
Ex PB is an interoperability exercise between the @RoyalAirForce 🇬🇧 and @USAirForce 🇺🇸, involving a range of personnel in the air & on the ground a few times a year.
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From the @RoyalAirForce:
✅@Eurofighter Typhoons from #TeamLossie & @RAFConingsby
✅@thef35 F-35Bs from @RAF_Marham
✅Air to Air Refuelling from @RAFBrizeNorton Voyagers
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✅Airborne Surveillance & Tactical Control from the E-3D at @RAFWaddington & E-3A from @E3AComponent
✅Ground based Surveillance & Tactical Control from @RAFBoulmer (CRC Hotspur) and @RAFScampton (CRC Blackdog).
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✅F-15Cs & F-15Es from RAF Lakenheath, along with Survival, Evasion, Resistance, & Escape (SERE) specialists.
✅KC-135Rs & MC-130s from @RAFMildenhall, along with their Special Tactics Squadron (STS) & Parachute Jumpers (PJ).
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Regular practice in these environments makes us more effective when working closely together as allies.
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COMAOs are when a number of different aircraft specialising in specific roles are working towards one mission.
Below is a basic example.
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Any questions for #TeamLossie? Leave them below!
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