• Anti-democratic
• Alienating
• Inequitable & unfair
• Environmentally destructive
• A zero-sum game that rewards the worst & punishes the best of humanity
An economic primer on capitalism #RIPCapitalism 1/12
Capitalism, from its top-down workplaces to its market system which exclude all affected by transactions other than the buyer & seller are inherently anti-democratic. 2/12
Capitalism robs us of this fulfillment
Capitalism is alienating. #RIPCapitalism 4/12
To create is human. But capitalism stifles the creative & innovative potential of the working class & poor. 5/12
No one works 100x 1,000x or 10,000 times longer or harder than anyone else, yet we have income disparities even greater than that. 6/12
It punishes the best of humanity & rewards the worst. 11/12
We need to replace capitalism with an economic system that embodies our shared values: #RIPCapitalism 12/12