Data shows wearing Facemasks Saves Lives
Data in thread primarily from taken 9:30-10:30 A.M. AZ Time today. I filled in where needed through various other resources. Let’s start with comparing East Asia to USA

East Asian Countries in 1st table have mask wearing cultures to begin with due to Sars outbreak experience in 2003 and also Pollution problems. They were early adapters as the Pandemic got underway to achieve population wide use of Facemasks to stop the spread of Covid-19
One can clearly see a miniscule death rate compared to USA, even in Japan. I use death rate instead of case rates due to large differences in testing rates, timing of the testing, (early vs. late) and effectiveness of contract tracing and quarantines
USA break out NYC, NJ, & Rest of USA due to differences in pop. density + incoming cases due to Intl. airports receiving high numbers of travelers. Taking out NYC/NJ, rest of USA death rate still 40X densely populated E. Asian nations w/crowded public transportation systems
4th table shows a cross section of countries from Europe, Middle East, Latin and S. America, Africa. Even though they did not adopt #Facesmasks4all until 1st half of April, and death rates higher than previous group, still tiny compared to USA

Probably no way to de-politicize Facemask debate. Those who follow POTUS will discount info that contradicts his positions and it’s clear his position is anti-facemask. But also clear: Facemasks reduce spread of disease & death. It’s a public health issue, not freedom issue