He's making the point: you probably won't be affected, so you shouldn't care so much.
He's making a case for unchecked spread.
1) most people aren’t even affected
2) most affected don’t die
He’s saying “look, it’s a percentage game, and you’ll probably beat it.”
You see?
If unchecked, the projection is several million dead.
Trump’s saying “yeah but it’s a big country.”
Not just a case for acceptable loss, but a case to make any amount of loss acceptable.
A leader capable of it is capable of killing millions. A population obeying such a leader makes such death inevitable.
That's what we're fighting.
He doesn't dislike the virus; he dislikes tests. Tests report infection—infection only kills.
He's not opposed to death; only the report of it.
The percentages report 1% death. To him that's a GOOD thing.
They already say this thing that many foresaw was unforeseeable, that these preventable deaths were unpreventable, that this tragedy isn't tragic
It's a genocide mindset
If he was eating a banana, and could save 12 lives by putting it down and throwing a lever, he'd finish the banana.
Genocide mindset.
Trump is the leader that the Republican movement was waiting for. The Republican ideology made Trump inevitable. He inspires fierce loyalty, not despite his faults, but because of them.
What we are fighting is a genocide mindset. washingtonpost.com/politics/gop-s…
His larger point is an invitation to join him in the vastness of his complete unconcern for the lives of his fellow human beings, which is the one thing he truly is better at than anybody.
His genocide mindset.
His genocide mindset.
His genocide mindset.
The invitation doesn't require active participation; in fact it very clearly invites you to only look the other way.
Each of us has to choose now.
Genocide mindset.
Genocide mindset.