This is Cyber Terrorist @hatehunter7
Faiz Anamala is #hatehunter7 who has been responsible for the firing of hundreds of innocent Hindus in Gulf
Anyone in @MEAIndia wants to get him deported?

It looks like this Patti is from Kerala, working as a coolie in Dubai. His full details, including family address, are available. I am not going to out it like him when he destroyed the lives of so many ppl
As our group hacker wants to be anonymous this group is fine to be acknowledged. Please follow them at @UntiringI
They are also joining our growing team of Dharmic warriors
It looks like he had a Journalist dost who was reporting all @SasrarAliJourn1 should we invite him too to join the party?

He is Editor in Chief & has WA number to hunt Dindus 🙅🏻♂️😆
We were quiet & kind and they took that as our weakness. Now they have woken us up. We will not rest until Dharma is re-established.
Jai Shri Ram
99% were reported by Indian Mu$lims esp from Kerala.
It was fueled by usual Indian Media cheerleaders.
Majority were attacked on #TablighiJamaat comments which were facts.
They are archiving my posts etc. Major meltdown has begun. 🤣🤣🤣

What I shared was legit OSNIT techniques so all sourced from public sources. They don't when know what is ethical so 😆

Oh pls, we pay our taxes, gv temple money to provide these freeloaders with everything & still attack your countrymen.
All who are using anon keep doing boys are on to you 🇮🇳
Baiting Qoum Cell is too easy, all came out to attack me & gave away their details to the boys, Thank you
Wannabe Feku Hindutva Terrori$$t 🤣🤣🤣
PS for all Gulf Shers this song is for you from Chanakya