An episode in our history mentions that Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib, may God be pleased with him, was fighting against someone who transgressed against him. At the moment when he overcame his opponent and was about to strike him, the man spat in his face.
Imam Ali paused momentarily and then walked away from the situation. He did not do anything to his opponent. When he was asked why he said “Up until the point he spat in my face I was fighting him for the sake of God.
When he spat I feared that I would kill him out of anger and selfishness for what he had done to me.”
Every action we do to help the oppressed and rectify injustice should proceed from this principle: that we walk on the path of truth by the truth itself.
We should observe ourselves with deep insight and check ourselves and see if we are doing this for the sake of making the truth a victor or whether we are doing this for the fervour of ignorance (jahiliya).
A person who is visible on a television screen through technology such as a camera, is someone who is watched by millions all over the world. The [physical] blemishes and faults of such an individual would therefore be captured by the camera,
however in order to conceal and hide these faults, they are supposedly removed by the makeup that is applied to the persons face, as well as the background lighting that seemingly makes the face radiant.
This is all done in order to present a good image of this person to the people of the world. However, the reality of what is inside a person is only known by Allah Almighty, even if the apparent may suggest otherwise.
This is the resting places of the Prophet's daughters ﷺ in the Baqi graveyard. Sayyidah Ruqayyah, the beloved daughter of Rasulallah ﷺ passed away on the 17th Ramadan. رضى الله عنها
She became ill before the Battle of Badr so the Prophet ﷺ instructed her husband,
Sayyiduna 'Uthman ibn 'Affan to stay at home and to look after after her. He gave up the greatest battle in history to look after his spouse - this was the level of his loyalty. They were described as the perfect couple and Rasūlallāh ﷺ once said,
'Have you ever seen a couple more beautiful than those two?'
After the victory and happiness of Badr, the Prophet ﷺ returned to the extremely sad news that his beloved daughter had passed away as a young woman,
What was Rasūlullāh ﷺ doing on this night? Do you know about his struggles, his tears, his concern, his care, his compassion on the night of the 17th Ramadan? It was on this night that the Beloved of Allah ﷺ
stood in his tent in the area of Badr all night long weeping profusely and calling upon Allah with extreme humility and humbleness. Whilst all of his companions rested, he stood and cried in-front of His Lord asking Him for victory, openings, success, felicity, mercy, blessings,
and protection for his entire ummah. He lifted his blessed arms high in supplication, tears left his beautiful eyes, and he made du'a after du'a. What did he ask for? What did he say?
It was at this time that #313 gazed upon an army of a thousand and their faith only increased. This is the greatest battle in history, the most epic and the most important. It was a day that the Truth became clear and falsehood was destroyed.
The people of Mecca came with their horses, their camels, their food, their drink. They came with their arrogance and pride. They came with swords, they came with shields, they came with helmets and they came equipped.
This was the elite of the Arabian peninsula versus a group of 313 - Many of whom were holding sticks and stones, but you know when the sahaba looked at this army of 1000 warriors, it only increased them in belief and iman - you know why?
“If Allah made it easy for you to get up and pray in the middle night for tahajjud, don’t look down on those who fell asleep and were unable to wake up.
If Allah made it easy for you to fast, then don’t look at those who do not fast with a contemptuous look.
If Allah made it easy for you by opening doors for you to strive in His Names, then don’t look at those who are not striving with a contemptuous look.
If Allah opened doors of sustenance for you, then don’t look down on those who are riddled with debt and lesser sustenance with a mocking and condemning look because it is His Will, and you will be held accountable.
I wanted something so badly. I kept praying for it, pouring my heart into begging God to give it to me. But every time I did, I would say to myself, "God probably wants to test me. He knows how much I want this,
so He probably will give me the opposite of it just because I want it so badly."
And then one day I realized: God says, "I am as My servant thinks I am." Why would He give me what I want when all I'm thinking is about how much He wouldn't?
If I don't even believe He'll give it to me, if while I'm praying for it I'm thinking He will withhold it- then why would I be blessed with it?
Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught us that we should pray for something while we are certain that God will answer us.