⬇️ Details in the thread bellow 1/10
⬇️ We will apply it on a less usual grid though 2/10
Subdividing ensures that faces are all squares
➡️required to apply marching cubes! 3/10
⬇️ But we can change these atoms 4/10

⬇️ Nevertheless they cannot be used as is! 5/10
We know where to move a few key poitns points based on the grid mesh
➡️use case for cage-based mesh deformation
Many algorithms exist, some of them here: github.com/superboubek/QM… 6/10
(Yes, it's a paper from my research team 😇)

Running real time but could be improved using #ParallelFor jobs. 7/10
For instance how to quickly find all the faces connected to a vertex? 8/10
More about BMesh: wiki.blender.org/wiki/Source/Mo… 9/10

Oskar's talk at IndiCade Europe 2019 for technical insights
@OskSta's tweets for inspiration
More about hexagons: redblobgames.com/grids/hexagons/
Can't wait to play with #WaveFunctionCollapse now! 🤩