Why missed & why @KPMG as our auditors missed them as well will be followed up on by an independent external report

& read reports here item 4.1;
The revised 2018/19 financial accounts will need to be audited again, new issues maybe found
Which means 2019/20 accounts also delayed as well
a. Good decision to change auditor to @DeloitteUK means fresh pair of eyes found issues, which is why you should change auditors regularly
b. Excellent work by current snr finance team (3 temps though)
c. Centralisation of finance teams
Despite good news these are serious issues, why did this happen for years, why was it missed, can we ever rely on external audit again?
Did not publish issues earlier, needed to give officers space to find & sort out problems first
But also failure of Audit C'tee + Overview & Scrutiny + Pensions C'tee to spot problems (I am a member of all 3)
But does have even more financial reserves than we thought!
@EastEndEnquirer @RachaelBurford @ELAdvertiser