C 350 KNOWN cases worldwide
With PIMS-TR there often sees to be a 4-6 week gap between getting CV19 and it bursting into PIMS-TR. Devastating
This is a new virus. We find out more every day
Is not the precautionary principle best?
What they hoped. And how far fallen short.
Honestly. Do they really think over 60k excess deaths (inc children) in 2 months good?
Like believing it did not transmit asymptomatically?
That children were only mildly effected.
That it was really a respiratory condition?
That mild to moderate would not mean long term recovery.
That letting people into the country with CV19/ holding 4 day race events filling bars, restaurants & homes would make little difference?
But pretending posting tests sets is a test is fakery.
And so is guaranteeing that children will be safe on returning to school