@Sai_swaroopa @AgentSaffron @PranjalUvaach @pranasutra @GhorAngirasa @AndColorPockeT
1. It postulates that there was an aryan race with a proto Indian European language which either invaded or migrated to replace indigenous Indians (Dravidians) to become the dominating society
1. There is no record of any such invasions/migrations even in any folklore, it is a colonial era theory only
2. It is mostly based on linguistics which are not precise science and not much genetically based data
1. Let's talk about the most recent and most famous DNA sampling from Rakhigarhi with both RW and LW claiming that it either supports or debunks the theory
Link: cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/…
PDF file: download.cell.com/AJHG/pdf/PIIS0…

Link for the article: cell.com/ajhg/fulltext/…
PDF file: cell.com/action/showPdf…


1 R1A "Aryan gene"
2. This quack's victory decalarations
3. Or this victory dance by Scroll ("Forgetting" that the specimen was female, not male)

M. Adojaan,1 H.-V. Tolk,1 V. Stepanov,3 M. Go¨lge,4 E. Usanga,5 S. S. Papiha,6 C. Cinniog˘lu,7
R. King,7 L. Cavalli-Sforza,7 P. A. Underhill,7 and R. Villems1
Deep common ancestry of Indian and western-Eurasian
mitochondrial DNA lineages by T. Kivisild*, M.J. Bamshad†, K. Kaldma*, M. Metspalu*, E. Metspalu*,
M. Reidla*, S. Laos*, J. Parik*, W.S. Watkins†, M.E. Dixon†, S.S. Papiha‡,
S.S. Mastana§
The Genetic Ancestry of Modern Indus Valley
Populations from Northwest India
Linda Ongaro, Manvendra Singh, Pramod Kumar,6 Niraj Rai, Ju¨ri Parik, Ene Metspalu, Siiri Rootsi,
Luca Pagani,1,8 Toomas Kivisild, Mait Metspalu, Gyaneshwer Chaubey, and Richard Villems1
1. Timeline of AIT/AMT does not fits into the genetic research timeline
2. R1A gene may have started in India rather than in steppe population so it can't be called "aryan gene"
3. Rakhigarhi DNA results are half truths as spoken by left
5. IT/AMT is absolutely not supported by genetics research
Later I'll add archaeological and linguistic research in this thread
Literally everyplace on Earth has been suggested as Aryan Homeland. EVERYPLACE.