A new vaccine Czar
Removal of all non Trumpist Inspector Generals
A Bannon cohort in charge of media
Removal of all non Trumpist civil servants
Barr trying to undo the legitimacy of the Mueller Report
Barr getting rid of any court cases that could
The spin machine in high gear, distracting America with tangents galore. Deflecting, denying, avoiding.
Building a false narrative of success, trying to say that anything less than 200,000 deaths is a success, while S. Korea sits at less than 300.
The CDC requirements for businesses with outbreaks become, overnight, recommendations.
Defunding and blaming the WHO for
A return to calling it the China virus, not CV-19
Claiming that we have won the battle against the virus, and that we are opening up regardless of the data.
Hiding of death numbers in FL and GA.
Claiming that we have more deaths than any other
Hardly a mention of tracing and quarantining, just testing.
Insisting that they were left with bare shelves by Obama in the Strategic Stockpile, when they have had 3 years to restock it.
Calling Dr. Bright a disgruntled employee
Azar insisting that Bright is lying, with evidence that he signed the order for hydroxychloroquine (He was directed to do so)
Consistent reporting with inside sources of failures at every step of the way in the CV response.
Suddenly the term OBAMAGATE