This is the most disconcerting article I have ever read about Trump. He is intent on destroying America as we know it. I implore the leaders of progressive America to read this closely, and respond in the strongest manner possible. @SteveSchmidtSES@glennkirschner2 have been
the most vocal in their concern for the rule of law and survival of our democracy. This article is a no holds barred, brutal assessment of Trump's end game. And it should shock America to its core. I am a simple man, greatly concerned for the nation I love, but have not the
sophistication or intellect to suggest the way forward. All I can say is that we face an existential crisis. We are teetering on the edge of a dictatorship. Trump intends to eliminate any checks on his power, and is supported in that effort by a willing AG, a supplicant Senate
our nation faces the most serious threat in our history - from within. The oath says to protect our nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic. Trump is trying to destroy us from within. He has no allegiance to anyone, and he has a key group of collaborators with a common
goal of eliminating regulations and restriction on the pursuit of predatory capitalism and restraining the power of the common folk. He means to control the Postal Service, he has control of the DOJ, he owns the Senate, has a willing GOP in the House, he has a fully
compliant Cabinet, and he will cheat, lie and steal his way to reelection. He is the Hitler or our age. He is setting the stage for a dictatorship. He has publicly pronounce that a President has absolute power. The Senate has given him free reign. The AG agrees there is no
restrictions on his power. Surely, there are millions like me, that see the handwriting on the wall. We will soon lose our collective power to dictate to our elected officials what the people want. The levers of power will be controlled by Big Corporate interests. They can crush
any opposition. They actually are writing the laws through a organization called the American Legal Exchange Council from the local level up to the Congress. This is the culmination of the vision of the Koch Brothers that began in the 1980s, to unleash corporate America from
the bonds of government restrictions. Behold, their goal is upon us. If the Democrats do not seize this opportunity to #ImpeachTrump for crimes against humanity in the slaughter of 100,000 innocent souls, we will surrender the nation to authoritarian rule. We watched, in horror
when the Senate refused to allow witnesses or documents in the impeachment trial, when 70% of the country demanded it. Republicans and Democrats. But the Senate GOP betrayed America and let Trump to free, saying that he was guilty, but unwilling to convict and remove him.
So here we stand at a critical crossroad in our precious democracy. Will the GOP be complicit in destroying our representative government, following a thoroughly corrupted, broken man? Will the @HouseDemocrats shrink from their duty to impeach Trump for his travesty against our
people, his reckless disregard for life? I hope that cannot be the case. America represents the ultimate experiment in individual freedom. Can either Party just let this happen? Will the American public allow them to? This is OUR country. They work for US, not corporations.
Is there any question in the populace that we still control the actions in DC? We do not. I will leave it there. Finally, I beg those of us who value democracy, and see America as the modern cradle of individual freedom, to unite as one people and demand that Trump is drummed out
of office. He represents the worst of mankind. Ruthlessness, cruelty, vindictiveness, hatred, vengeance, retribution, corruption and domination. Is that what we are willing to embrace? God, I hope not.
Mueller had him cornered, dead to rights, for 10 cases of obstruction of justice.
Pelosi decided not to pursue impeachment. (strike one)
Vindman caught him coercing Ukraine to find dirt on Biden. Pelosi decides to impeach. Barr obstructs justice. House proves Abuse of Power
and Obstruction of Congress. Corrupted GOP Senate acquits at trial. (strike two)
He invents a vote by mail fraud myth, installs DeJoy to sabotage the USPS. Refuses to say he will accept the election results.
Launches STOP THE STEAL motto.
Declares victory before votes finished
counting. Says that night he will take it to the SC.
Tries to get counting stopped in AZ.
Blitz of disinformation flows from DT machine.
Launches 65 empty lawsuits all the way to the SC.
Has multiple STOP THE STEAL rallies spreading massive lies.
On January 7th, DT acknowledged the election was certified and pledged a smooth transition of power, saying it was time to come together.
He was being threatened with impeachment and the 25th Amendment.
Now he says November 3rd was the Crime of the Century and J6 was a protest.
There is no question he has been trying to overthrow the government for MORE THAN A YEAR NOW.
The proof is staggering.
Coerced the GA Secretary of State in an hour long phone call shakedown.
Demanded Pence reject the EC votes.
Invited his supporters to DC for a wild time.
Pumped them up and ordered them to march on the Capitol.
Watched, delighted, why they battled police and invaded the Capitol.
Never once demanded they stop.
Told them he loved them, and their journey was just beginning.
The crimes started before he took office, and continues nonstop to this day. Even when they were caught, there has been no justice.
-a Grand Bargain for Putin to get Ukraine, Saudis to get nukes, sanctions lifted, etc. for foreign election assistance
-direct collusion with Russia
in the 2016 election
-Massive obstruction of justice in the Mueller Report
-Bribery/coercion of Ukraine for dirt on the Bidens.
-obstruction of justice in the first impeachment
-profiteering at DT properties around the world at taxpayers' expense
-crimes against humanity at the border
-war crimes against the Kurds in Syria
-allowing nuclear technology sharing with SA without normal protection protocols
-extorting a billion dollar loan for Kushner from Qatar by supporting a blockade
DT was the ideal pick for the oligarchs in 2016. Imminently popular from his TV show as a straight talking business tycoon, and a willingness to do anything crooked for money and fame, he was selected and then financed by massive Dark Money super-Pacs.
Others had no chance then.
He had privately agreed to accept the Federalist Society's SC judge picks. That cinched it. If they controlled the SC, they wouldn't need Congress anymore.
They then sabotaged Clinton by tricking Comey to reopen his investigation 11 days before the election.
That did it.
Once in office, he delivered on everything the oligarchs wanted. Massive tax breaks, slashing regulations, opening up mining on public lands, destroying Obama era gains, ramming thru Supreme Court Justices, ripping up trade treaties and arms treaties, pumping up arms sales and
DT has made tens of millions from just being the President. Even after leaving, still hundreds of thousands. Why should we pay for rooms and golf carts at his resorts?…
Then realize that DT and his conspirators have gotten away scot free.
We must demand to #ArrestTrumpNow, build a case with REAL subpoenas in a REAL courtroom with REAL consequences, not just a REPORT.