But when we do, we find the approach of military & intelligence personnel to privacy settings to be, uh, alarming
@FoekePostma on what Untappd users are inadvertently revealing
Though they are mostly European / North American users, we can find traces of them globally.

Even MORE info can be gleaned from the pictures users post along with their check-ins.

You know what this means.
Some military/intelligence personnel may be posting potentially sensitive info while slightly or not so slightly inebriated
There are definitely security implications to this.

Why are we publishing this?
With Untappd, the onus is *on the user* to be careful.
There are ways to protect your information on this app. The people were looked into were NOT doing that.

And please check your privacy settings.
Look into what's in your actual beer photos.
Check to make sure you're not leaving a trail of breadcrumbs.
Read the full report to understand how and why.